Stones: Experiment (Stones #3)

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Book: Stones: Experiment (Stones #3) by Jacob Whaler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacob Whaler
share with the others?”
    Kalani’s head slowly shakes back and forth, and Jing-wei’s eyes drop to the table.
    “We’ve cracked the Chinese quantum encryption codes,” Jing-wei says.
    “Yes, I know,” Ryzaard says. “Excellent work.” His grip on their arms remains tight. “As I recall, you now have access through Chinese channels to high level government security files across the globe.”
    “That’s true,” Jing-wei says.
    “But there’s more, isn’t there?” Ryzaard moves closer. “You’re not telling me everything.”
    Jing-wei shrugs her shoulders. “We’re making new discoveries every day. It’s all in the reports I’ve been sending you.” She turns to leave.
    But Ryzaard doesn’t let go of her arm. He pulls her closer. “You’re hiding something.”
    Jing-wei’s eyes avoid Ryzaard’s, staring straight ahead. “It’s nothing. Now, if you’ll let me go, I have some urgent work to do.”
    Kalani is frozen in place, eyes on the floor.
    “You two are my stars,” Ryzaard says. “You work well together as a team. I wouldn’t want to be forced to do anything to . . . damage that relationship. I’ve heard that TruthTell can degrade one’s mental function. Is that what you want me to use?”
    “No.” Jing-wei has a pained look on her face.
    “Then tell me. Everything.”
    An audible exhale escapes from Kalani’s lips as he visibly tries to relax, but his upper body remains hard and fixed in position. His eyes float shut.
    Ryzaard looks back and forth between them. “I see. You’ve found something big. You’re scared. Not sure what to do.”
    Jing-wei slowly nods her head.
    “I’m proud of you. Both of you.” Ryzaard relaxes his grip, walks forward to the table and sits, inviting Jing-wei and Kalani to do the same. “Now tell me what you’ve found.”
    Kalani’s lips part, his voice just a whisper. “Launch codes.” He lets out a big sigh. His shoulders drop.
    “Launch codes?” A smile cracks across Ryzaard’s face. “Are you serious?”
    “Yes.” Jing-wei’s gaze lifts up as her shoulders droop. “Not only for the Chinese, but their client governments as well. More than a hundred and fifty in all. Russia. Most of the countries in Asia. The Middle East. All of Africa.”
    Kalani scratches his chin as the words tumble out. “Nukes and E-mag disrupters. Satellite-based, land-based, submarine-based. Both launch and pre-planted. Enough to start a full-scale planetary nuclear war.”
    “Very good.” Ryzaard brings the palms of his hands together. “You’re halfway done. Find the codes for the rest of the world. Then we’ll have something we can really use.”
    “Use?” Jing-wei gazes at Ryzaard, eyes wide.
    He stands up from the table. “You never know. It may all come together quickly. We have to be ready.” Ryzaard walks away, leaving Jing-wei and Kalani staring at each other. Stopping at the door to the conference room, Ryzaard looks back. “One last thing. Don’t ever try to hide information from me again. I can promise you’ll regret it.”

    R yzaard sits in a chair and looks to make sure the glass walls are blacked out.
    “Is the prototype ready?” he says.
    “Ready for a test, but no more,” Jerek says. “I may have to tweak it, depending on the results.” His eyes go up to Ryzaard and then dart away. “I trust you have our agreement firmly in mind.”
    “Don’t worry, my young friend.” Ryzaard’s arm reaches out to pat Jerek on the back. “Once this is all over, you will have your pick of countries to run on purely scientific principles. I’ll enjoy watching you create a model society. Under my leadership, of course.”
    “And an unlimited budget to establish a research and development lab under my personal direction.”
    Ryzaard chuckles. “When we are finished, you will have more resources than the combined defense budgets of every nation on the planet, many times over.”
    Jerek purses his lips, suppressing a grin. “I

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