One Last Time

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Book: One Last Time by Denise Daisy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Daisy
fabric holds me down, pulling me under. I fight the rapids, but the rushing water tosses me like a piece of driftwood, trapping me in a current and floating me farther downstream. My heart thunders against my chest as the river rushes over my face, obstructing my view, filling my mouth and nostrils. I struggle to keep my head above water while trying to grab some of the low tree branches, but the fast flowing stream rips them from my hands.
    My next frantic thought is to somehow remove my damn dress, but it’s impossible with the water tossing me about in such a way, giving me no control. Fear takes over, screaming in my ear that I am drowning. This terror does nothing but weaken me more. I thrash around in the water, fighting against the morbid thought, determined to survive this horrifying ordeal. All I can hear is fear, hissing in my ear, telling me it’s useless. Give up. It mocks my attempts. The property is cursed. Death dwells here. These rivers run with the blood of those who came before me. Life may not trespass, and when it tries, it will be snuffed out.
    My heart thunders above the raging water. I am convinced evil inhabits this house and is what pushed me in, knowing all too well, I am here to help stop Lunar’s death. “No,” I scream, fighting back, not conceding defeat for me or Lunar. My back scrapes up against a jagged boulder that tears through my dress and into my skin. Sharp pain radiates through my body as the rock cuts into my flesh. With all the strength I can muster, I grab the rock and cling to it like a life preserver. Water slaps at my face, trying to push me off my life raft, but I hold on tight. I will not let the malevolence wash me away. I’m trembling, exhausted, and not sure how long I can hang on. What I need to do is climb on top of the rock, instead of just clutching it, but unfortunately, I have no strength left. Laying my head against the side of the boulder, I cling to life. It hasn’t been much, I know, but it’s my life, and there is always hope for a better day.
    Something soft and warm wraps around my waist. Before I realize what is happening, my rescuer pulls me off the rock. I struggle, but I hear someone quietly say, “Calm down, I got you.” It’s a man’s voice, but it doesn’t belong to Quillan, so I have no idea who has gently towed me across the water and is now carrying me up onto the grassy bank. It doesn’t matter. Whoever it is saved my life, and I am thankful to be on dry ground. I cough uncontrollably, gagging on river water as I lay in the tall grass. Exhausted, I stare up into the late-afternoon sky and see a blurred silhouette of the one who pulled me out of the river. I turn my head and raise my trembling arm, shielding the orange glow of the setting sun from my eyes. I want to see the face of my rescuer, the one who braved the waters, looked death in the face and said, “You are not taking her today.”
    My eyes adjust. I see a shirtless Lunar Wilson sitting in the tall grass beside me.

Chapter 15
    I want to sit up and hug Lunar with what strength I have left and thank him profusely, but I am weak. Besides, the weight of my dress holds me down. “Thank you,” I choke out, amidst coughing up river water. He doesn’t say anything, just sits beside me and stares me in the eye. Beads of water roll off his bronzed skin and drip from his long dreadlocks. His features are fierce, and his eyes intimidating. Funny thing is, I am not afraid of him, but then again, why should I be? He risked the current to pull me to safety. His eyes bore into me as if he is trying to decide whether or not rescuing me was a good idea. I can see why Emily is drawn to him. His muscles bulge, sculpting his dark skin. He is in optimum shape, no doubt from hard labor. Mr. Faulkner more than likely abuses him, treats him no better than a workhorse, and overlooks the brilliant mind behind his eyes. I can see it, and I am sure Emily does, too.
    “You gonna be all

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