In the Shadow of the Dragon King

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Book: In the Shadow of the Dragon King by J. Keller Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Keller Ford
Tags: adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Action, Sword and Sorcery, Dragons
called His Greatness, and they would go from there.”
    “His Greatness.” David rubbed his forehead. “Who the heck is His Greatness?”
    “Really, David? Is that all you got out of that?” Charlotte blew her nose in his ear. “Don’t you understand? They want to get rid of you.”
    David stared at the floor and swallowed, hard. “Yeah. Right. That.”
    “D-do you think we should call the cops?”
    “And tell them what?”
    “I don’t know. Maybe the truth?”
    “And it would be their word against yours.”
    “So, we’re going to do nothing?”
    “I don’t know what we’re going to do, Char.” He washed his palm over his face.
    “We’ll figure it out when I get there.”
    “No!” Visions of dark shadows assaulting her swarmed in his mind. “Stay where you are. Lily changed the security codes. The house is on lockdown.”
    A sigh of relief reached his ears. “Oh, good.”
    “Good for who? I’m a prisoner in my home.”
    “Maybe, but if you can’t get out, they can’t get in.”
    She had a point. He didn’t like it, but she had a point. “Whatever,” David said. “I’m gonna go. Keep your doors locked, too. We’ll talk later.”
    “Okay. Make sure you tell Lily about our neighbors. Maybe she can find out what’s going on.”
    Yeah, like the Grand Betrayer would do anything to help him figure out the insanity brewing around him.
    “Bye, Charlotte. Love you.” The words tumbled out without thinking, but it didn’t matter. She’d already hung up.
    David tossed the phone on his bed and stared at the floor, his hands clasped behind his neck. The empty house creaked around him. The pipes gurgled. The wind moaned, and the tree branches clawed at the sides of the house. Downstairs, the grandfather clock in the parlor struck seven. David shut his eyes to the four walls of his prison and collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

Chapter 7
    Eric woke to the sound of heated voices.
    He stole across the room and pressed his ear to the door connecting to Trog’s room.
    “Why? Why don’t you tell him the truth?” the queen said. “He is a bright boy. He deserves to know.”
    “We have been over this a hundred times, my queen,” Trog said. “He must remain protected.”
    “For how long?” Mysterie said. Her voice carried an edge like a well-sharpened blade, sharp and to the point. “You expect him to be a man, risk his life, fight in battle if need be, and yet you continue to treat him like a child. Where is your honor, Trog? When did you trade truth for lies?”
    “Terie,” the king said, “you’re being unfair. You know the dangers if Eric learns the truth.”
    Eric’s stomach pinched. What truth? He wiped the sweat from his palms and bit back the urge to barge into the room.
    “Yes, I do,” the queen said, “but I also know how that boy will react when he discovers the truth. He must hear it from Trog. We all know how secrets have an ugly way of divulging themselves at the most inopportune time. Goodnight.”
    Footsteps moved across the room, followed by the click of the door closing.
    “Don’t let her get to you,” Gildore said. “You know how altruistic she can be.”
    “She’s correct, though. If Eric finds out from anyone but me, he will never forgive me, no matter the reason.”
    Eric’s shoulders stiffened. I don’t believe this! How dare he lecture me on the importance of honesty when he lies with such ease? Eric swallowed hard, his heart thudding in his chest like a caged wild beast, and moved away from the door.
    What secret are they keeping?
    A hurricane of scenarios swirled in his mind until his brain ached and he could think no more. He had to get out of there, out of his room, away from the walls brimming with lies and deceit.
    There was only one place he could go, only one person he could talk to who wouldn’t lie to him.

Chapter 8
    David woke and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He glanced at the clock. Two a.m. As if a slave to his

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