Guarding the Treasure
didn’t stop the seed of hatred planted in her heart from growing. The feeling became stronger with each word dripping from Sean’s lips.
    Anya’s nostrils stank of putrid offal. She felt as if she would vomit all over the floor, spewing refuse at Sean’s feet. Indeed, how could she allow such odium to enter her mind? But more than her mind, her entire body had grown to loathe Sean, her own brother. Her eyes locked in on her brother, the man she hated beyond reason.
    Sean watched her body stiffen at his words. Seeing her discomfort gave him a rush unsurpassed by his many liaisons and lovers. “You will prove to be valuable in my aim to exceed Father’s business efforts little one.” He tipped his head back for another drink as laughter rolled from deep within him.
    “Poor Father, little does he know what lies ahead for his shipping business, not to mention his contracts with the government.” Sean reached to touch her cheek again. Caressing it gently, he spoke with an unnatural hiss in his voice. “And you are going to be what I use to entice those contracts into my hands,” he said, looking deep into her tear-filled eyes.
    “Mr. O’Connell,” Colleen’s gentle voice broke the tension. “Dinner will be served at your request, sir.”
    Colleen glanced at Anya, noticing something she had not seen in the young woman’s eyes before. Behind the tears, Colleen saw a vein of coldness. Startled, she quickly lowered her head, waiting for Mr. O’Connell’s answer about dinner.
    Sean raised himself from the couch. “Will you join me, dear sister?” he said, his words quiet and gentle as he stood holding his hand out to her.
    Her stomach oily, Anya put her hand in his and rose.
    Sean watched Colleen moving about the room, noting her coached, graceful movements, but even more how well-formed she was. Why had he not noticed her before? She was but a few years older than he, not married, and possibly a tool he could use when the need arose.
    “Colleen?” Sean said, stopping her before she entered the kitchen.
    “Yes, Mr. O’Connell, is there something I can get for you?”
    “Colleen, didn’t my father ask you to assist Anya in the female issues that may arise in his absence, those things that Mother would have taken care of?”
    Colleen glanced at Anya for approval then faced her superior, Mr. O’Connell. “Yes, he did Mr. O’Connell. Am I not performing to your satisfaction, sir?”
    “No, you are performing as requested, but there is one thing I would like you to do. Tomorrow, would you take Anya with you to Dool and help her pick out a new dress?”
    Sean looked to his sister, noting the sudden way her mouth opened in surprise. “We have a very important dinner to attend Anya, and I would like you to be the center of attention.” He turned from her to address Colleen.
    Anya interrupted his thoughts. “What dinner are you referring to, brother?” she asked calmly, biting her lip to keep from screaming at him.
    Sean ignored her. “Colleen, that will be all,” he said, waving his hand in dismissal. He strode to the side of the table, close to his sister’s chair.
    “Sean, why do you treat me as a child and—” Anya stopped, feeling the heat of rage build as he leaned on the table next to her. She turned to him. “I am eighteen years old, old enough to be married and have children, yet you think of me as one with no mind, one who cannot make decisions for herself?” She stood quickly, pushing her chair back with force. “I know when I need a new dress, Sean, and I know if I want to attend dinners with you, and—”
    “You will stop with your outburst right now, Anya.” Sean’s eyes cut through her. “I have made it clear to you what you will do and when you will do it.”
    He stood erect, turning his back to her. “I told you earlier that you will be useful in my business dealings, and I will not allow your childish manner to get in my way.” He turned back to her, pivoting on one heel,

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