Texas Christmas Bride: The Gallaghers of Sweetgrass Springs Book 6

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Book: Texas Christmas Bride: The Gallaghers of Sweetgrass Springs Book 6 by Jean Brashear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Brashear
Tags: Romance, Texas
Even if you’re scared to let them in.”
    Her vision blurred.
    Her father wasn’t a hugger, but he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over.
    Penny took it with a smile, then shared with her sister. “Want to come with us? We’re going to take it over right now, if you’re sure you’re okay with it.”
    “I am. My Mary wasn’t one for sticking stuff up on a shelf. She liked sharing whatever she had, and she would have been pleased as punch to welcome Veronica to the family, you know she would.”
    They both nodded. “But you don’t want to come?”
    “Nope. That’s women’s territory. But you give her my best, would you? And tell her it’s okay if she doesn’t want it. She’ll make a pretty bride, no matter what she wears.” The idea was obviously growing on him, though, and his expression was wistful.
    He might not be a hugger, and she wasn’t either, really, but—“I love you, Daddy.” Penny threw her arms around his shoulders.
    He startled at first, then returned the hug.
    And, to Rissa’s astonishment, held out his other arm to her sister. “Get on over here, girl.”
    For a long, precious moment, years after they would have given nearly anything for a chance like this, the sisters’ eyes met, and they snuggled into their father’s embrace.

    “The kids will be home from school,” Rissa pointed out as they drove. “And she’ll be busy making supper.”
    “But they have so little time to put this together. This dress might help.” They’d looked it over carefully. There were no moth holes, and Jeanette had said she’d help them get the wrinkles out and alter whatever was needed.
    “It’s a very old-school dress. Not grand at all, as I imagine Jackson’s picturing for her.”
    “Didn’t you think she looked uncomfortable that everyone else was making plans for her wedding?”
    “She did, now that you mention it,” Rissa acknowledged. “Sweetgrass can get a little overbearing.”
    “Veronica needs her sisters now.” She glanced over and grinned. “A couple of Amazons just might come in handy.”
    Rissa snorted, but she was smiling. “You can’t fight in stilettos.”
    “Oh, girl, you’ve never seen me in court. I’m lethal.”
    As they drove through town on the way to the Butler place, she saw that Jackson’s Range Rover was still on the square. “Good,” she murmured. “Don’t come home yet, big brother.”
    “Oh, you have got to be kidding.” Disgust and dismay vibrated in Rissa’s tone. “No way. No freaking way.”
    “What?” Penny’s head whipped in the direction Rissa was pointing. Her mouth dropped open. “Hayley?”
    “It better not be Mackey who called her, or that man will not be getting any for the foreseeable future.”
    “He doesn’t have a death wish, Ris.” But she was grinning. “She’s not that bad.”
    “You’re kidding, right? What do you imagine Scarlett’s saying right now? And just you wait—give Barbie a few days, and you tell me how happy you are when you hear those blasted slut shoes clacking and hear that cooing little voice Oh, Bridger, you’re just soooo strong. Let me see those muscles again, big boy .”
    Penny couldn’t help herself. She burst out laughing.
    Rissa cut her a death ray glare. “Oh, yeah, chuckle away, big sister. We’ll see who’s laughing in a couple of days.”
    “You could wipe the floor with her, Cousin Crankypants.”
    “And don’t think I won’t,” Rissa muttered as she drove them out of town.

Chapter Five

    V eronica’s doorbell rang.
    “I’ll get it!” Abby cried, jumping down from the kitchen bar.
    “Hold up there,” Veronica said. “What do you say?”
    Abby’s smile was all sunshine. “May I be excused, please?” So perfectly certain of the answer.
    Veronica chuckled. “You may. And thank you.” She glanced over at Beth. “I wonder who it is?”
    “Maybe it’s Santa Claus. He might be checking to see who lives here.”
    Those sweet, hopeful eyes. “Or how

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