Fuzzy Logic

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Book: Fuzzy Logic by Susan C. Daffron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan C. Daffron
the door, barking furiously.
    Joel and Lady, his collie mix, walked in, and after much canine greeting and cavorting, they all moved into the living room. Joel had been meeting with an old friend named John who had come up from Las Vegas to talk about a project related to writing software for slot machines. John was staying in Joel’s small cabin, affectionately known as The Shack.
    Kat unfolded her legs from under her and wrapped her arms around her knees to try to discourage Tripod from returning to her lap. As Joel walked toward her across the room, Kat enjoyed the delicious fluttery thrill she always got when she saw him. “Hi. How was the meeting? Does John like The Shack?”
    Joel sat down on the sofa next to Kat, wrapped his arms around her, and gave her a quick kiss hello. “It was good. John is settling in okay. I think he’s having trouble adjusting to the quiet. Being in the middle of a forest is different from the bright lights of Vegas. At least The Shack smells better now. I think the burnt smell is finally mostly gone now.”
    Kat nodded. “Well that’s an improvement, anyway. He probably wasn’t happy when he found out that Allison threw your TV out the window before she tried to set The Shack on fire. I think there are football games on, aren’t there?”
    “It’s fall. There are always football games on. I gave him a book about database theory, which will help him sleep. How was your evening? Is Maria still here somewhere?”
    Kat moved closer to Joel, snuggling up next to him and nudging Tripod aside. “She has retired to my office. I think she may have indulged in a little too much in the liquid aspect of the Wine and Whine. She didn’t really do much whining herself, but I think she may have stressed out Jan.”
    “I’m not finding this particularly difficult to imagine.”
    “She said that Jan’s relationship with her fiancé was boring. I think Jan had never really thought of it that way. Maria calls us boring all the time and it doesn’t bother me.”
    Joel raised an eyebrow suggestively and smiled. He traced the outline of her jaw with his fingertips. “That’s because you know we’re not always boring.”
    Trying not to let him distract her from the point, Kat said, “Well, yes. I do know that. But I felt bad for Jan, since I invited her. She really seemed surprised and upset. But the good news is that I think she figured out the Rosa mystery. Or maybe Lori did.”
    “I know border collies are smart, but Lori isn’t that smart.”
    Lori raised her head at the sound of her name and Kat reached over to stroke the dog’s soft fur. “Aw, now you’ll give Lori a complex. Actually, she jumped up on the kennel gate and Jan noticed that Lori’s pointy little snout was right near the latch. The current theory is that Rosa pushed the latch up with her nose, went out, and the latch fell back into place. Or she went out and closed the latch.”
    Joel shook his head. “I’m not sure I’m buying into this idea.”
    “It’s a working theory. And the solution is simple. I can just put a little clip on the latch to keep her in.”
    “It’s worth a try. And it’s a cheap fix, which is good. I did some more calculations on the costs for building the kennel and it’s going to be more than we thought. Concrete work is expensive.”
    “Well, I still have money from the inheritance.”
    “But you’ll want to have something to live on until you get things going.”
    “It’s no big deal. Something will work out.”
    Joel released her from his embrace and looked into her blue eyes. “I’m serious. Not having any money in Alpine Grove is a problem. You can’t just go and get another job, unless you plan to become a logger. Having a financial buffer gives you some security.”
    “No. I’m not going to go chop down trees for a living,” Kat said. “Chain saws disturb me. But I do have some freelance-writing money. And the house is paid for.” She grinned. “Plus, I’m hoping

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