Microsoft Word - Jenny dreamed

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Authors: kps
deposited her companion, and now that it was dark, Isa was sure that they had both been forgotten.
    Every now and then, Dev would strain at the ropes that bound his wrists, more to keep himself awake and alert to the return of his captors than to squirm out of the tight bonds. A fine job he'd done of saving Jared's daughter! He'd blundered into a trap, and he knew damned well who'd set it for him. Only the deputy he'd talked to before going to Joe's knew that he was in town and why. The bastard must've high-tailed it over to The Black Lily as soon as Dev had left the sheriff's office.

    It was no small wonder, that with a man planted in the sheriff's office, the Stanner gang had been allowed free rein in the area, eluding capture at every trap the sheriff set. If Dev managed to get out of this alive, he'd tend to the deputy personally. Now, though, revenge seemed an empty hope. The lump on his head was crusted with dried blood and ached mercilessly. His gun was missing, and he had no way to reach the knife that was still hidden in his boot.
    All he could do was sit and think, and nothing he mulled over in his head made any sense.
    What reason did Lil Conti have to order Jennifer's kidnapping? It occurred to him that she might have intended to ask a ransom for the girl's safe return; but that would take weeks to arrange, and Lil wasn't a stupid woman.
    If she'd known Jennifer's parents were wealthy, she would also know they were too damn far away to contact. Dev was aware that Jared kept an open account at the bank in Langdon, but the manager had no authority to payout any money.
    If he could only work his hands free! The thought of what might be happening to the girl he'd been asked to protect was sheer torture. He rested his head against the wall in frustration. More than likely, they were keeping her in one of the rooms off the hall. Again he cursed the fact that he could not communicate with the maid. If only he could get her to understand that they'd both be free if she could pull the knife from his boot and cut his tied hands!
    During the day she had appeared to be in shock, and he was sure, now that darkness surrounded them, she would be terrified of any approach he made. A groan escaped his dry throat. There was nothing he could do but wait and hope that the Bryant girl was holding her own. If she took after either of her parents, Dev was sure she had a chance.
    When Beau Stanner opened his eyes, he sensed it was morning. He had no watch with him, there were no clocks in the room and no window to show the morning light, but with the seasoned instincts of a man who had lived the last eight years of his life on the run, he was sure.
    Jennifer lay beside him, tossing in a restless sleep, no doubt caused by the hours that had passed since her last dose of laudanum. With the dark, thick lashes that dusted her fair cheeks and the tangle of ebony curls that waved over her shoulders and back, she appeared like an innocent child and far from the passionate woman of the previous night's encounter.
    They had made love a second time, and she'd caned him Rodrigo, verifying his suspicions that she believed herself to be held by a former love, apparently some fool who'd deserted her. Just before she'd fallen asleep, she had nestled close to him with a contented sigh, whispering that she was so happy he'd come back to her.
    It had not been as easy for Beau to fall asleep. If Lil had plans that included addicting this girl to a form of opium, he was at fauIt for delivering her into that madwoman's hands. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and realized that he would never again have a moment's rest if he failed to help her.
    Even now her eyes were shadowed, smudged beneath her lashes with smoky purple. Before long she would need a strong dose to attain tranquility, and God only knew to what lengths she would have to go, just to keep pace with the growing habit.
    Yet, what could he do? She was as dangerous to him as Lil was to

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