The Mystery of Smugglers Cove (The Mystery Series, Book 1)

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Book: The Mystery of Smugglers Cove (The Mystery Series, Book 1) by Paul Moxham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Moxham
    “Did you hear something?” Will asked.
    “Yes,” Amy replied.
    “Me too,” Sarah said. “It sounded like a dog barking.”
    “You could be right,” Will said. “And if that’s the case, we’d better hurry. We don’t want to be caught out in the open if there are dogs about.”
    They quickly made their way to the window that they had climbed through the previous day. After peering through to make sure that no one was about, they opened it and climbed over the sill.
    They closed the window and crept towards the door. Will was just about to open it when he heard voices. He quickly motioned for the others to hide behind the curtains. It was unlikely that the men would come into the room but, if they did, he wanted to be prepared.
    The voices became louder as they reached the door, but then quietened as the men walked past.
    “That should be a warning to us,” Will said. “If we hear voices again, we should hide straight away. And, if it looks as though we’ll be caught, we should split up.”
    “I agree,” Amy said. “Where should we search first?”
    “We didn’t check out the top floor last time,” Will began, “so I think we should search that. Besides, unless they tied Joe up, they would have to put him in a high room, otherwise he could just climb out of the window. That’s why he’s most likely to be on the third floor.”
    Will opened the door and peered out. No one was in sight. He beckoned to the others and quietly but quickly headed up the hallway. Within minutes, they were climbing the stairs.
    So far they hadn’t heard or seen anyone, so their luck was holding out. Reaching the third floor, they paused.
    Deciding that it would waste time if they all went in the same direction, Will told the girls to check out the rooms on the left, while he went to the right. They were to open every door that they found and check if Joe was in that room. If the door was locked, it would be an indication that Joe was likely inside.
    Will headed up the hallway. He made good time as he opened one door after another. A few minutes later, he was heading back to the girls. He was frustrated because he hadn’t found a single locked door. He glanced at his watch. They had already been inside Chandler Manor for fifteen minutes and they were still no closer to finding Joe. He wasn’t one to get anxious easily, but he knew that the longer they stayed there, the chance of them being caught increased. And, if all four of them were caught, who would come along and save them?

Chapter 14: Uncertain Times
    Seeing the girls up ahead, Will noticed that they had stopped in front of one of the doors. Hoping that they had found Joe, he hurried towards them.
    “This door’s locked,” Amy said.
    “Let me see.” Will tried the handle. Locked. He peered through the keyhole, but he couldn’t see anything. “Okay. There’s a chance that Joe’s in here, so I’m going to call out. You get ready to run, just in case it’s someone else.”
    He leaned close to the door and softly called out. He did this twice. He was just about to stop and speak to the girls, when he heard a noise on the other side of the door.
    “Will? Is that you?” Joe called.
    “Yes, it’s me,” Will said.
    “I was wondering when you would arrive,” Joe said. “I’m glad you’re finally here. The men shoved me in this room a number of hours ago. They didn’t treat me too well, but they haven’t harmed me. And I haven’t seen them since.”
    “I’m so glad they didn’t hurt you,” Sarah said.
    “Me too,” Joe said. “They said something about the boss coming to talk to me. I think they want to find out if I know anything, and then they’ll decide what to do with me.”
    Will nodded. “That means that we have to find a way to get you out of here quickly. As long as the boss doesn’t come, you’ll probably stay in here, but who knows where you’ll be after they talk to you.”
    “Well, the door’s locked with a key, and

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