The Templars' Last Days

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Authors: David Scott
Knights of St. John and the Knight Templars, he would mould them into an even more efficient and effective fighting machine when they both came under his sole banner.
    Naturally the Holy Father did not agree with him, pointing out that whilst they are both considered as Holy Orders fighting to defend the Cross, in fact each Order excels in different areas of service to the Church. The Knights of St. John are more involved in the creation of hospitals, in taking care of the physical injuries of those wounded or sick and of the building of Churches to look after the spiritual needs of all Christians within the Holy Lands. Whilst the Knight Templars, when in the Holy Lands, concern themselves with protecting the caravans of pilgrims in their journey to and from the Holy cities from the attacks of the infidels, and ensuring that there is always a safe corridor for them to travel through. They also busy themselves with the construction and fortifications of the castles, which are needed for such pilgrimages to take place in safety.
    Besides which, the Knight Templars provide far more service outside of the Holy Lands than the the Knights of St. John ever could or would. For it is only their Holy Order who have the structure in place for the safe passage by land across Europe, which has enabled trade to flourish and wealth to grow. They are the bankers of choice for the Kings, the Church and the traders across Europe and beyond. The Knight Templars have a vast fleet of ships which enable successful and profitable trade to be conducted across the many seas. Their Holy Order employs enormous numbers of carpenters and masons for the construction of our Cathedrals right across our Christian lands. Over and above all of this, let us not forget to mention their expansive network of preceptories and private estates which provide work and wealth for many ordinary people and craftsmen.
    Without the Knight Templars who would provide the money for Kings to go to war? Who else can provide a safe haven for travellers and traders?
    Will your King do that for Rome, William of Nogaret?
    Giles, Jon and I were all impressed by the rebuff the Pope had clearly given to William at that meeting, but we were also sure that William would not take such a confident and combative defence of these Holy organisations lightly. Our thoughts seemed to have been preempted for, as the Pope continued in his report, he explained that he was countered when William revealed both his true colours and the extent to which his King was prepared to go in order to get his way.
    Unable to contradict the Pope’s powerful and persuasive defence of the Holy Orders, William turned his wrath and argument into a personal assault on the Holy Father. Was it the Templars who made you the Pope? Was it the Templars who bought you the votes you needed amongst the Cardinals? Remember who your Master is! Remember what happened to your predecessors who would not bend to the will of King Philip IV. Is that the fate you wish for yourself?
    As always, Matthew and Guy were in attendance at that meeting, and the Pope recalled, with thanks, how Matthew had come to his rescue from this frontal assault launched at him by William of Nogaret. For he rightly pointed out to William that, unless his King Philip achieved the consent of both the Grand Masters of the Knight Templars and of the Knights of St. John to hand over control of the organisation which they headed, then there was nothing the Pope could do, even if he wished so to do.
    Everyone present turned their heads towards Matthew with a congratulatory look for such a masterly observation, as we all knew that this would never happen. Matthew seemed somewhat embarrassed by this sudden attention directed towards him and lowered his head to avoid any direct eye contact. Perhaps though our praise came too soon, for the Pope continued with William’s counter to this point.
    Be that as it may, William fired back almost without hesitation, his voice

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