Murder in Honolulu: A Skye Delaney Mystery
legs, I didn't recall seeing anything that looked like a dog
bite on his body or any wounds with blood. Could there have
actually been someone else in the house with the same rare blood
type as Carter?
    What were the odds of that?
    Admittedly, the odds did not seem very good
that Carter had been the victim of anyone other than himself. But I
never allowed long odds alone to sway me one way or the other.
    I withheld judgment for now, wishing I
didn't have a sinking feeling that this was more the beginning than
the end of the mysterious death of Carter Delaney.
    Ridge dropped me off at my house at
three-thirty. The police had completed their investigation of the
premises and departed. I would pick up Ollie from Ridge's place
    Right now, it was time for me to regain
control of my life, hard as it would be. Alone. Ridge, bless his
heart, did not argue the point. But he did offer to stay over. Or,
at the very least, check on me often.
    "I'll be all right," I promised, and made
myself believe it.
    He flashed me a doubtful look from the car.
"Just do me a favor. Keep your gun loaded and close by. Just in
    I assured him I would, all things
    "I'll let you know when the autopsy report
comes in," he said before driving off.
    It now seemed as if the results would be a
mere formality, which, in and of itself, left me weak in the knees
with concern.
    * * *
    I went for a swim in the ocean. It beat
swimming pools any day of the week. As with jogging, it was my
answer to relaxing my mind and working out at the same time. I also
used exercise as an opportunity for solitude when getting away from
my world and all its troubles seemed a necessity. Only something
was missing. It was Ollie as my constant companion for staying in
shape. He also happened to be a very good swimmer. Ridge was still
dog sitting for me. I'd have to suffer alone this time.
    After an hour or so, I returned home
exhausted with much work to do and precious little time to heal my
emotional wounds. My house had been left a mess by the city's
finest. All in the line of duty, they would say. I called it a bit
overzealous, knowing they would get to go to their own orderly
homes when they were done messing up mine.
    I called Natsuko and asked her to come over
for an extra day this week. I could use the help. She was only too
happy to offer her assistance and also satisfy her huge appetite
for curiosity, not to mention a free meal.
    "It must have really freaked you out,"
Natsuko said with a contorted look on her face. "Seeing him in the
tub like that and all..." She shivered.
    It was ten times worse that you could
ever imagine , I thought.
    "I've definitely had better days—" I moaned,
and gazed pensively out the kitchen window.
    I considered the ineffectiveness of my
security apparatus, which had apparently allowed Carter to enter
uncontested, even with a key. The alarm seemed to be working
perfectly now.
    Natsuko shuffled her way into my periphery.
Glancing at her, I asked: "Did you forget to activate the alarm
when you left yesterday?"
    "I don't think so," she responded
defensively. Then in an about face, said: "I was late for a class
and had to run back home for a minute. Maybe it did slip my
mind...but I'm still pretty sure I set the alarm."
    "All right," I told her, though feeling less
than certain. It could explain how what was supposed to protect the
place from intruders, or at least notify the security company, had
not. I wasn't sure if this made me feel better or worse.
    Natsuko was off the hook this time, as there
were other issues to deal with.
    "I couldn't believe it when I read in the
paper that the Carter Delaney was your ex," she
exclaimed. "I know you had the same last name and all, but—"
    But you just can't imagine the wealthy
and charming Carter actually being married to me , I thought,
slightly amused. Giving her the benefit of my gaze, I muttered: "It
was a long time ago. Before he became the Carter
    We both took a

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