The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story

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Book: The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story by Lane Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Masters
town. After several minutes of frantic searching,
scrabbling through her purse and then pulling over to search through
the luggage in the trunk, she distinctly remembered tossing it down
on the bed as she grabbed for her shoes to go search for Mojo. In her
rush to finally get out the door, she had forgotten to go back and
pick it up again.
    So now she couldn’t
call for help, couldn’t call a friend to come pick her up,
couldn’t even call her boss and let him know she was going to
be late. And the lightning was inching closer with every moment.
attention was yanked away from the approaching storm by the rumble of
a car pulling up alongside of her. With one glance, she took in the
surprising sight of a brand-new Maserati sports car-- not exactly the
vehicle she would have expected to see on this deserted road. It was
a shiny black, with glowing chrome, and tinted windows. It’s
sleek, dark form took her breath away, every inch of it exuding
luxury and expense. It instantly cast an aura of wealth around the
man behind its wheel.
    Allison couldn’t
control the expression of surprise on her face when she finally drew
her eyes away from the hot car and looked at the driver. He was
smoking just as much as the car was. Black hair feathered away from
his brow, as dark, piercing eyes searched hers. High cheekbones
whispered of Native American ancestors, but the dusky shade of a 5
o’clock shadow at his square, strong jaw gave away his European
blood. For some strange reason, he looked familiar, but she knew she
had never met anyone who could afford a car like this.
    He cracked his car
window, lowering it just enough to speak out, and leaned over the
passenger seat toward her. Of course, with her own car as dead as a
doorknob, rolling down her own window was not an option. She
hesitated. He was a total stranger. How many times had she heard
horror stories about meeting total strangers on a dark road?
    But then a lightning
bolt struck a tree somewhere up ahead, and the sudden crash made her
jump sky high. Which was more dangerous? The man or the storm? She
glanced back at the man, taking in his piercing gaze and smoldering
good looks. Definitely the man. But at least he looked friendly.
    She cracked her door
open, so that she could hear what he was saying, squinting her eyes
through the raindrops that blew in.
    “Are you okay?”
His voice was a deep bass, the kind of deep masculine voice that
always made her heart beat just a little bit faster. It matched his
rugged good looks completely.
    “Yes. Yes, I’m
fine. My car just died.”
    “Have you called
for help?”
    Allison grimaced,
hating to admit this to a stranger. “No. I left my phone at
    The man glanced at the
storm and then back at her again. “Well, I’d loan you my
phone to call roadside, but the nearest service station is about 45
minutes from here, and they aren’t exactly going to be thrilled
about coming out in the middle of the storm. I hate to tell you this,
but the storm is only supposed to get worse over the next several
hours. And it will be dark soon.”
    Allison nodded, filled
with dismay. Would a car really keep her safe from that kind of
vicious lightning?
    The man looked
thoughtful, considering. His four head wrinkled worriedly as he
watched the approaching storm. “Look, why don’t you come
with me and wait the storm out? My house is only a couple of miles
    Allison felt a rush of
trepidation slip through her veins. She couldn’t imagine
getting into a car with a strange man. My God, that was an even
bigger rule than “don’t talk to strangers.” Visions
of little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf ran through her head.
    “I have an idea,”
he said, opening the glove box of his car. Allison watched him take a
plastic bag out of the glove box and slip something inside it.
    “Here,” he
said, reaching his hand out toward her. “My phone’s
inside. Go ahead and call someone, let them know where

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