Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere

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Book: Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere by Peter Koevari Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Koevari
breathed deep before speaking. “I suppose there is only one way to find out. They are already reaching out to us and it is time that we try to overcome our differences, ancient or not. I will take Vartan with me to Mount Wayrin, and will protect him with my life. What will be will be. Who will come with us?”
    “He’s not going anywhere without me,” Anakari said, stepping forward and crossing her arms.
    “I’m a born demon hunter,” Yuski said. “I will protect all of you.”
    Vartan smiled at the women. “You bravely continue to lay down your lives for me, and for all of Marithia. I commend you.”
    Dryden stepped forward. “Count me in! I was born for battle.”
    Vartan brought a fist to his opposing shoulder. “Live by the sword. Die by the sword.”
    Dryden pursed his lips and mirrored his gesture. “And a clean death we deserve.”
    Helenia was about to step forward, and Vartan’s throat tightened when he thought of her being hurt. They had been trying already, and only the gods knew if she was already with child. He raised a hand for her to stop.
    “My love. You are needed here. We need to rule our lands and our Queen cannot be in two cities at once.”
    Andrielle smiled at him and mouthed ‘thank you’.
    Finn stepped forward. “I will come with you. After all, you need more dragons to ride.”
    Vartan clenched his jaw, looking each of them in the eyes. “To Mount Wayrin it is. We leave tomorrow, so you had best prepare yourselves for the journey. I thank you all for your loyalty. I will never forget it or take any of you for granted.”
    Vartan searched their faces and thought he saw nervousness beneath their surfaces, but his heart thumped.
    What is it I should fear?
    Chapter 6 : Bloodships
    “Time is the only commodity with which even the poorest are born. Our hourglasses have limits, but nobody knows when the sand will stop running.
    When you are immortal or live the life of a dragon, then what is the value of time?
    If you have been tortured by it, would you still treasure time or use it to feed your hunger?”
    (Shindar - Lord of the Underworld)
    T he horizon wavered in the morning heat. Caressing winds warmed the west end of the island of Grenlees, and the many palm trees swayed as if they danced a ritual.
    Raehar watched the world return to vibrancy once again.
    Ocean waves crashed into the island, and a spray of whitewash burst into the mouth of a gigantic skull, the opening to a cavern. Further crashes echoed deep within the island’s belly. The skull’s hollow eye sockets dripped from condensation. Nobody that Raehar knew of would ever venture inside it, and this suited him beautifully. He could go there to get away from it all and never worry about being disturbed.
    The seas are tranquil when we’re not in battle , he thought.
    Raehar first swam into the mouth of the cave when he lost at the island’s popular card game, Wild Kings. He soon discovered that there was nothing to be afraid of. He was sure that the cave must have been dug out by pirate captains in order to frighten anyone who anchored near its shallow shores. As far as he knew, it was an effective measure, even if he had never seen anyone foolish enough to try.
    Raehar lay on his back with his arms crossed behind his head. His leather boots were bound tight and rested on the moist rocky socket. He had experienced a growth spurt and was tall for a young man of his age, but his clothes were now too small for him, clinging to his body.
    “I s’pose I better make me way back,” he said, watching a seagull staring at him from the other eye socket.
    Another wave crashed into the cavern walls and he enjoyed the cool spray on his tanned skin. He stood and took a longing glance at the endless sight of sparkling waters. He stretched out, rubbing his cramped muscles. He had been here far longer than he should have. His captain awaited him. Raehar turned back to the cave’s darkness, and in his best

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