The Cottage in the Woods

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Book: The Cottage in the Woods by Katherine Coville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Coville
    “Well, yes, of course, but I—”
    “It’s no use asking me. I simply cannot function in such a way. It’s not in my household enchantment. The mistress wouldn’t have it.”
    “But wait! It surely is not spying to tell me where an object is. Where is my locket? Just tell me that.”
    “Oh, lost objects. That’s different. For that we have a special custom: the riddle.”
    “For Heaven’s sake, can’t you just give me the answer?”
    “Quiet. I’m thinking.…”
    I sank my head in my paws, clutching fistfuls of fur and counting to ten, then twenty.
    “Let’s see.… Floor … door … more,” the mirror droned on. “No, too literal. I need a metaphor, or perhaps an allegory. Hmm. Something that collects shiny things … maybe a raven. Something, something a raven. But what rhymes with
    “It doesn’t have to rhyme!” I interjected. “Can’t you hurry up?”
    “These things can’t be rushed. The hints must be subtle, yet tantalizing. You want a riddle of quality, don’t you? This is a specialty of mine, and I’ll tell you right now, it’s going to take some time.”
    “How much time?”
    “Oh, days! Five or six, I should think. I’ve had a few cases that took longer than that, but they involved the metaphysical.”
    “Oh!” I cried. “You are useless! Just useless!” I turned my back on the mirror and marched out into the corridor. After a moment’s thought, I determined to find the mistress and enlist her aid. Down in the kitchen I asked Betsy where and when I might find Mrs. Vaughn, and she offered to take me to her as soon as she finished clearing the breakfast dishes. My stomach seemed tied in knots and I was sure I could not eat, so I waited, standing by the door, tapping my shoe impatiently on the tile floor until Betsy came to lead me away. She brought me to Mrs. Vaughn’s morning room and left me there without inquiring what business I had with the mistress, but with the encouraging whisper, “Go on, then. She’s not at all gruff like the master. She’s a dear, she is. Just knock.”
    Mrs. Vaughn answered my knock with her soft, melodic voice, bidding me come in. She seemed surprised to see me, but welcomed me warmly. She sat at an exquisite little escritoire, made of some very dark wood with inlaid designs of mother-of-pearl. I thought how well the room suited her, from the vase ofpeach-colored mums to the framed photos of Teddy and of three other little cubs sitting on the mantel. I knew immediately who the three little cubs were. Suddenly I didn’t know how to begin.
    “How are you settling in, dear?” she asked. “Is your room satisfactory? I chose it because it’s near the nursery and the schoolroom. This place is so big and sprawling; I know it takes some getting used to.”
    “I’m sure it’s the nicest room I’ve ever had, madam. Thank you. And Teddy is a joy. He’s been making me feel quite at home.” We continued with such small talk for some minutes before she gently asked me if there was anything on my mind.
    “I’m afraid there is, madam, though I hate to trouble you with it.”
    “You can come to me with anything, my dear,” she said. “Now, tell me what’s bothering you. Is it serious?”
    “It is to me, madam. You see, someone was in my bedroom last night, and this morning I found that my locket was missing from where I had set it on my desk. I’m afraid someone’s taken it,” I said, tearing up. “It’s not very valuable as such things go, but it’s quite precious to me, as it was my mother’s. It contains the only picture I have of her and my papa.… I don’t want to accuse anyone, madam, but I think it must have been someone in the household.”
    I paused. Her expression was shocked, dismayed, even guilty, and I suddenly wondered if I had done the right thing in coming to her.
    “Oh no!” she said. “Oh dear. This is entirely my fault. I should have said something, but I didn’t want to frighten you

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