The Deal
fall to the
floor in a heap.
    Just because my little encounter was quite
possibly the quietest killing I had ever performed it did not mean
that others would not come looking for it once they had waited too
long for fresh body parts. I was going to have to get moving
quickly now.
    So I stepped over the fallen demon and into a
long hallway which after a few feet opened out into the great hall.
I continued to edge my way forward, listening and watching for
anything that might pose a threat.
    As I moved and was able to take in
more of the hall, I noticed that it was actually pretty barren. In
the centre was a huge pit that roared with crimson flames. I
assumed this was Argol’s fire, the very thing that could destroy
the scroll Hermetia had stolen.
    Other than the fire I couldn’t see any other
forms of light, although there definitely seemed to be more light
shining outwards in the direction I was moving. As I got closer to
the end of the hallway, I came across an opening and that probably
once had a door on it but had long since been removed.
time, I could hear something. A voice that
sounded like fingernails being drawn down a chalkboard with each word that was spoken.
    ‘ Sire, we cannot find the means
needed to destroy the scroll. We have been unable to get any more
information from the monastery and the sacred texts have offered no
guidance.’ Flattening myself against the wall I peered round and
through the opening.
    I found myself looking into a
large, brightly lit stage area which looked out towards the rest of
the hall. Sitting on a throne made entirely of human skeletons was this huge, obese creature with massive razor sharp horns
protruding from the top of his head. Its skin was a mottled green
colour with a constant greasy shine.
    Standing before, who I was certain
was Hermetia , was a much smaller minion of
darkness. This one wore a robe just like the monk but it had none
of the fancy embroidery around the hood or the cuffs and the
quality of the material did not look as luxurious as my good
    ‘ It has been two days and not you
or your brothers have been able to find a solution to my
problem, Azry . I am beginning to lose patience
with you, and I can’t help but wonder if I should just through you
into the mighty fire.’ Hermetia was a stark contrast to the
other demonic creatures in terms of the way he spoke. His
words were softly spoken.
    I watched as the massive creature chewed on
the freshly chopped leg I had seen the Grimoyle preparing for
    ‘ I beg your forgiveness sire. We
are still searching the texts but the dark lord keeps a lot of
information hidden from us.’ Said Azry , keeping his head
bowed in front of his master.
    ‘ Yes, the dark one did not create
all of us with the knowledge he has, but that does not mean we are
too stupid to learn Azry.’ Said Hermetia , gulping down the
remainder of the leg.
    I quickly ducked back into the hallway when
the huge demon turned to face my direction as if he had sensed my
    ‘ Where is my food? Why is it
taking so long!?’ He demanded, and when no answer came I could hear
him direct his anger at the small minion. ‘Azry, go and see what is
keeping my food from being brought to me or I will eat you
    I peeked back through the opening to see Azry
the minion bow and mutter something in his own language before
heading in my direction. It was as I glanced back that I noticed
the ornate gold case of the scroll, tiny compared to the throne it
had been placed under, but at least I now knew where it
    Pushing myself as far into the darkness as I
could, I waited for Azry to come through the opening, machete
ready. I had no place to run or hide, and since the clock was
ticking my only option left was to stand and fight.
    Sure enough, the brown-robed minion stepped through the doorway and once he
was just about to step past me I lashed out with the machete. The
blade connected with the spot where its neck should have been

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