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Book: Stray by Elissa Sussman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elissa Sussman
head disapprovingly. “We do not encourage the use of that title,” he said. “It gives her a power she does not deserve.”
    Chastised, Aislynn lowered her eyes.
    â€œI have done my best to keep the monarch princess away from the damaging influences of her family,” he continued. “Both in distance and knowledge. She arrived at the academy only a few weeks ago. Almost sixteen, and her first curse came only last season.” He looked proud.
    Indeed, it was unusual for a maiden to reach the bloom with so few incidents, and Aislynn felt a familiar rush of embarrassment for her own failures.
    â€œAs is traditional,” said Madame Moira, “once a young maiden enters the academy, she is given a new fairy godmother. You will be the monarch princess’s. I’m sure you understand the importance of that position.” She gave Aislynn a withering glance. “She was insistent on claiming the next available fairy godmother. If it were up to me, I would have recommended she wait.”
    â€œIf you fail her, then you have failed me,” Adviser Lennard added, quiet and calm. He did not blink. “And if you fail me, then you have failed the Path. Do you understand?”
    Aislynn swallowed. “Yes, Adviser.”
    â€œVery good.” He gestured for her to kneel. “Now it is time for your covenant.”
    The stone was hard against her knees. Crossing her wrists over her chest, Aislynn bowed her head and tried not to flinch when Adviser Lennard placed his hand on the back of it.
    â€œRepeat after me,” he said. “I pledge my loyalty to the Path and all who tend it.”
    â€œI pledge my loyalty to the Path and all who tend it.”
    â€œI vow to protect the purity of Monarch Princess Linnea until she is Contained in marriage.”
    â€œI vow to protect the purity of Monarch Princess Linnea until she is Contained in marriage.”
    â€œI shall guide her steps, never allowing them to falter as mine did. Ever after.”
    â€œI shall guide her steps, never allowing them to falter as mine did,” Aislynn whispered, shame drying her tongue. “Ever after.”
    It struck her how similar they were, fairy godmother and adviser. Servants to the greater good, they both lived a life that required devotion and sacrifice. Like fairy godmothers, advisers never married, spending their lives in counsel to others.
    Yet they were not equal. The Path said that an adviser carried his knowledge like a lantern, one that illuminated the way to ever after. While he led the way, the fairy godmother remained a step behind. If a young maiden stumbled or doubted her journey, she need only look back to see what she would become if she did not follow the Path. Adviser Lennard was a guide for the monarch princess; Aislynn was a warning.
    With a flourish, Adviser Lennard gestured for her to sit again. “Well then,” he said, smoothing down the front of his suit and adjusting the handkerchief in his front pocket. “I shall now take my leave. Good day.”
    With a graceful bow to the headmistress, he left, and the room settled into silence, interrupted only by the soft scratch of ink on parchment. Aislynn waited awkwardly as the room grew stuffier and her uniform grew itchier.
    Finally Madame Moira put down her quill and opened one of her desk drawers. She withdrew an empty glass jar with a white label covered in thick black writing. “Now,” she said. “We’ll need to remove your loving heart.”
    Aislynn’s entire body stiffened. With an impatient gesture, the headmistress indicated for Aislynn to stand, but her legs seemed to have grown roots, and she was now part of the chair, part of the floor.
    â€œIt’s a necessary sacrifice.” The headmistress crossed the room with measured steps, her long robes brushing the ground. “We are servants of purity. Our loving hearts are a luxury and easily corrupted. Only by ridding

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