Claws for a Cause (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 15)

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Book: Claws for a Cause (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 15) by Patricia Fry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Fry
been here before, haven’t you, Mom?”
    “Yes, your father and I came for our fifteenth wedding anniversary.” Her smile turned sour for a moment when she added, “Against my better judgment, I left you girls with your Aunt Margaret.”
    “Why against your better judgment, Gladys?” Michael asked looking concerned. “Are you saying we’re taking a risk when we leave Lily with Maggie?”
    “Oh no. But she was a bit of an irresponsible, wild-and-crazy hippie in those days. I wasn’t sure what I’d find when we returned.”
    “And what did you find?” Michael asked, smiling, “Tattoos all over their bodies, was Savannah arrested at a love-in?”
    “No,” Gladys said. “As far as I know nothing monumental happened. Maggie returned my two sweet daughters to me.”
    “Savannah, are you smirking?” Shelly asked from across the aisle.
    “Ohhh, what mischief did you and Brianna get into?” Michael asked in a teasing manner.
    “Nothing,” Savannah said innocently. She then pointed. “Oh, look at that view. Where’s my camera?”
    “Honey,” Gladys said, gazing out over the ocean, “there’s no hurry to take that picture—no hurry at all. That’s the view you’ll see the whole time you’re here.”
    “You may even see this out your hotel room window,” Shelly said. “I understand most of us have an ocean view.”
    Savannah giggled. “I’m so excited. This is going to be so much fun. Just imagine—five days in paradise.”
    Michael smiled and squeezed her hand.
    “Breakfast in the Orchid Room,” Savannah announced the next morning while studying the itinerary she’d found slipped under their hotel room door. “After we eat, we’re going to walk along Waikiki Beach for a photo shoot and a brief workshop on using shade and light. Rebecca told me on the bus last night that the contrast is so great here on a sunny day that, in order to get better pictures, we must learn to compensate. Otherwise our pictures might be too light—washed out.”
    “I think I’ll take the point-and-shoot,” Michael said, digging in his suitcase for the camera. “Don’t want to be left out of things.”
    “Oh, you just want a reason to ogle the bikini-clad beauties on the beach, right?”
    Michael winked, then said in a serious tone, “No, I’m interested in taking action shots. I’m hoping to find a hot game of beach volleyball.”
    “Really?” Savannah tilted her head, her blond ponytail brushing over one shoulder.
    “Yes, don’t women play beach volleyball in Hawaii wearing bikinis?”
    Savannah slapped playfully at her husband. “Women, huh? I almost bought your story.”
    “Is he telling you stories?” Gladys asked, joining the couple in their room.
    “Morning, Gladys,” Michael said. “Are you ready for an adventure?”
    When Gladys saw Lily raise her arms toward her, she picked her up, hugged her, and said, “Sure am.” She looked at the baby’s outfit. “Aren’t you adorable?” Tugging at one side of her dress, she added, “But it looks a little small. Vannie, don’t you think so?”
    Savannah nodded. “Yes, she’s outgrown all her summer clothes, except for a few she got from you at Christmas. We need to go shopping for her today. Are you game, Mom?”
    “Sure. I love baby-girl shopping.”
    “Is breakfast ready?” Michael asked. “Can we go now?”
    “Yes,” Savannah said. “Does anyone know where the Orchid Room is?”
    “No, but we can ask someone,” Michael assured her. “Let’s take the stroller; we’ll need it for our walk. Hon, do you have the sunscreen, Lily’s sun hat, her drinks?”
    Savannah nodded. “Sure do. Let’s go, shall we?” Once they’d arrived at the Orchid Room, she said, “This room is so pretty…looks like it’s a buffet today.” Glancing at the others, she asked, “Want to sit outside? There’s a beach view.”
    “Hey look, there’s a volleyball game,” Michael said. “Yeah, let’s sit outside where we can watch the game.”

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