Tabitha's Guardian
    “He is bringing in some things, but told me
to come ahead so I could see how you are faring. You look well!”
Tabitha finally decided. “Your cook’s offerings must be agreeing
with you, Daddy.”
    “I am afraid that Charla’s mother took ill
and she needed to move home to care for her. Now, tell me about
your trip. Where did you go?” Before Tabitha could answer, Owen
joined them. “Hello, Owen. I see that you survived!” Jenson stood
again and shook Owen’s hand in greeting.
    “Yes, sir, I did. Thank you for the
absolutely perfect wedding and party afterwards. Tabby and I have
not stopped talking about how much fun we had.”
    “Owen is right, Daddy. We think our wedding
was the very best, and we appreciate everything you did for
    “You are my only child, daughter. Of course
I wanted to see you wed in style. Your Aunt Janice was of immense
help with this.”
    “Yes, she was, and I will summon her and
thank her personally.”
    “She is still our guest, Tabby.”
    Tabitha was truly shocked. It was no secret
that her father and her mother’s sister did not get along well. It
was difficult to believe!
    “Janice is out shopping right now, but she
will be along, soon. Now, tell me about your honeymoon. Where did
you go?” Jenson asked yet again.
    “Daddy, it was wonderful and romantic. Owen
took me to the Hawaiian Islands! It was so beautiful and so
peaceful there. We stayed in a lovely cabin at the Oberlin Resort,
and Owen even arranged for a private airlift there and home! I am
truly spoiled,” Tabitha confessed.
    “I would say so,” Jenson agreed, pleased to
see his daughter so happy. “Owen, did you enjoy the trip as much as
Tabby did?”
    “Yes, sir. I have read books on the Islands
since I was a young boy, and when Tabby told me how much she wanted
to go there someday, I decided there would be no better time than
our honeymoon.”
    “I am truly happy you both had a great time,”
Jenson stated just before they heard another voice calling out.
    “I am home, Jenson!”
    “We are in my study, Janice!” Jenson called
out to her.
    “Jenson, a terrible thing happened, and I…
Oh goodness! I did not realize you children were home!” Janice was
a pretty woman who looked nothing like her older sister. Where Rose
had been petite with red hair and green eyes, Janice was of average
build and had dark hair and dark eyes.
    “Welcome home!” Aunt Janice hurried to give
Tabitha a huge hug and a kiss, and then did the same for Owen.
Janice made no secret of the fact that she simply adored Owen.
    “Janice, you said that something terrible
happened? Are you all right?” Jenson asked in concern.
    “I am not sure…”

Chapter Six
    “Aunt Janice, what happened?” Tabitha asked
in concern when she saw how distressed her aunt was.
    “Please, sit down, Janice.” Owen took her
arm and guided her toward a chair. “Would you like some water?” he
    “I would like some wine. Jenson, you know
what I usually drink.”
    Tabitha noticed that her father jumped up to
go and pour the requested white wine and he delivered it to Janice,
and then knelt beside her chair and took her free hand in his. “You
are trembling, my dear. Please tell me what happened and I shall do
my best to deal with whomever upset you so.”
    “A man grabbed my arm and pulled me toward
his open vehicle and then looked at me and said, ‘You are not her!’
and he released me and hurried away.”
    “Did you recognize this man, Janice?” Jenson
    “No, not at all. He had a crazy look in his
eyes. I must have reminded him of someone, and when he realized his
mistake he was too embarrassed to apologize.”
    “I think this needs to be reported to the
Courts, Janice,” Owen said decisively.
    “I agree,” Jenson said. “Make the call,
    “Yes, sir.” Owen quickly called in the law
and suggested they would wish to bring along a sketch artist.
    It was not long before there was a knock at
the door and

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