Goblin Precinct (Dragon Precinct)

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Book: Goblin Precinct (Dragon Precinct) by Keith R. A. Decandido Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith R. A. Decandido
to be on the rolls?”
    Dru swallowed, suddenly seeming nervous. “Well, that’s what Martel said. I mean, he coulda been—”
    “That’s amazing! Oh, that’s wonderful , that the Lord and Lady think highly enough of Daddy that—” He cut himself off. “Hang on—you said Than told you this?”
    Hawk nodded.
    “I don’t believe it. Why would he tell Than and not me?”
    The three of them entered the castle. Grovis was devastated. His father had been wanting to become a member of the Lord and Lady’s court since he was a teenager. Their family had always had money, but not the full-on success that led to a title.
    But when the Hazlars had their falling out with Lady Meerka and left Cliff’s End, allowing the Cliff’s End Bank to merge with the Hazlar Bank, Daddy had thought that it would be the step that would enable him to finally become Sir Harcort.
    However, that did not explain why Daddy didn’t say anything to his youngest son about it.
    Upon entering the east wing, they saw Osric coming from the other side of the castle. He fixed his one-eyed gaze directly on Grovis. “What are you doing here?”
    “Iaian instructed me to return to the castle, as he felt that my expertise was better suited to assisting the lieutenants here with their case.”
    Osric snarled. “More likely he got tired of you being so distracted over Daddy’s bank. This is why I didn’t want you on the case.”
    “Actually,” Dru said, “we can use him. Turns out there’s a security system in the bank that the robbers worked around. Only reason we even know about it’s Grovis—bank manager never mentioned it”
    Leading the detectives into the squadroom, Osric asked, “What kind of security system?”
    “Good question.” Hawk stared at Grovis.
    Putting his annoyance at Daddy’s lack of communication aside, Grovis said, “It’s a theft deterrent from the Brotherhood of Wizards. All money deposited inside the bank is charmed, and when it’s withdrawn, the charm is removed. If the charm isn’t removed properly, the coins all become coated with a red shell that makes them worthless.”
    Sergeant Jonas came dashing out of the kitchen area, shuffling parchments as usual.
    “Jonas,” Osric said, “have there been reports of anyone trying to pass red coins?”
    Shaking his head, the sergeant said, “Not that I’ve heard, but I can put the word out to the precincts to be on the lookout.”
    “Do that.” Osric rubbed the ever-present stubble on his cheeks. “Knowing this sooner would have helped.”
    “I think we oughtta be goin’ back,” Hawk said, “with Grovis this time, an’ find out why he wasn’t mentionin’ the security.”
    Osric muttered something under his breath. “Oh, all right, since it’s obvious that Grovis is even more useless to me than usual.”
    Before Grovis could defend himself against that slander, one of the youth squad came dashing in. Grovis had always been dubious about the notion of relying so heavily upon children to deliver messages, but he had to admit that it was a system that seemed to work. He wished, though, that Lady Meerka—who handled the finances for the demesne—would approve simply putting them on salary instead of forcing the employees of the Castle Guard to use their own hard-earned money to tip them.
    This was a freckle-faced girl wearing a dress that looked as if it had been passed down to her through at least six generations. “There’s been another robbery! The bank!”
    “Don’t be ridiculous, girl,” Grovis said, “the bank has already been robbed once today.”
    “Naw,” she said, “not the main branch, the one on Axe Lane!”
    Grovis’s heart started to pound in his chest. “I don’t believe it! First Cam and Arra, now this!”
    Dru looked at Hawk. “There’s, what, two branches of the bank?”
    “Three,” Grovis said, “plus the main one.”
    “That’s half your father’s banks hit in one day.” Osric let out a sigh. “Fine, all three of you

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