Sinful Chocolate

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Book: Sinful Chocolate by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
door and took another disheartening look at the damage before him.
    With no other choice, Charlie rolled up his sleeves and got busy cleaning. Hours later, he gave up and decided the job was going to require real professionals. Close to midnight he limped over to the bar and found one unbroken bottle of Jack Daniels and poured himself a drink.
    It took three before he was completely relaxed.
    â€œAn ex-girlfriend or boyfriend.” He laughed. Hell, what else was he going to do? As he continued to survey the damage, he reflected over his cavalier lifestyle and the numerous one-night stands. Up until now, he’d viewed it all as harmless fun. He’d never made or broken any promises, nor had he asked for any in return. He always made sure his dates had a great time, and then they were free to go on their merry separate ways.
    Maybe he had been too naive.
    Charlie stood up from the bar and hobbled to his bedroom—another disaster area. At least he was able to clear off a space on the bed so he’d have some place to sleep tonight. He reached underneath the mattress and hoped what he was searching for was still there. He panicked for a moment, but then his hand finally brushed against the spine of a book.
    Smiling, Charlie set his whiskey down on the nightstand and pulled out his thick little black book. Such a book was the hallmark of every true playa. His didn’t just contain the names and numbers of the beautiful women who’d been so gracious with their time and bodies, but also notes and a very intricate rating system he’d conjured up in high school.
    The book was his most treasured possession.
    He flipped through the pages, and a flutter of memories danced before his eyes. If the good Lord did decide his time was up, Charlie realized he’d lived one hell of a life—just not a complete one.
    Charlie’s smile disappeared as a lump of regret clogged his throat and reality hit him hard. Obviously, he had broken a few hearts over the years, and if he was facing the end of his life maybe he should be using this time to right a few wrongs.
    He returned to the first page of his black book and read the first name—Abby. “Three and a half stars.” That wasn’t too bad, he thought and picked up the phone.
    As he dialed, he thought briefly about what he would say. He drew a blank while the line rang but before he could hang up, a woman answered.
    â€œUh, hello.” He clutched the phone. “Is, um, Abby there?”
    â€œThis is she.”
    â€œOh, Abby.” He cleared his throat and tried to control a wave of panic. “This is, um, Charlie—Charlie Masters. You probably don’t remember me—”
    â€œCharlie Masters!” She perked up. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe it’s you.”
    He smiled at the reception. Maybe this won’t be so hard after all.
    â€œMy goodness.” She sighed. “How have you been?”
    â€œNot so good. I’m dying.” He blurted and then smacked a hand across his forehead.
    â€œThat didn’t come out right.”
    â€œYou mean…” She gasped.
    Charlie immediately knew she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion. “No. No. No. No. It’s not what you thinking,” he rushed to say. “I don’t have a sexually transmitted disease,” he stressed. “It’s not that at all.”
    â€œWhat, then?” she asked, obviously confused. “Is it cancer?”
    â€œNo.” He exhaled again and felt his migraine return. “It’s aplastic anemia.”
    â€œIt’s a plastic what?”
    â€œIt’s just a rare form of anemia.”
    The line fell silent.
    â€œHello? Are you there?”
    â€œOookay,” she said hesitantly. “Sooo, why are you calling?”
    â€œWell.” He cleared his throat. “I was doing a lot of thinking, and I wanted apologize for, uh…” He looked

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