A Knight to Remember

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Book: A Knight to Remember by Maryse Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryse Dawson
and he had quickly realised what a spoiled brat she was. Not only that, but she was spiteful, a trait he abhorred in anyone, let alone a woman.
    He flashed his most charming smile. "Nay, Marguerite, I hath words to be had with the king. Go with Annie and we shall converse at matins."
    Marguerite's eyes flashed angrily at being denied, but she quickly veiled them with her lashes. "Of course, milord. I bid thee goodnight and thee, Sire." She bowed to both Stephen and King Edward, totally ignoring Jenny.
    Her actions did not go unnoticed. Stephen watched her flounce away with Annie by her side and decided that there was another woman who needed a good thrashing.
    "Is she not a beauty, Stephen?" the king noted, following her with his eyes.
    "Aye, Sire. Such rare beauty is hard to find." It was just a shame that such beauty was only on the outside, thought Stephen. He glanced at Jenny. She, on the other hand, had everything he desired in a woman.
    "She will make a handsome wife, think thee, Stephen?"
    "Aye, she will." He still had his eyes fastened on Jenny, who quickly turned when he spoke. She flushed under his gaze and looked away.
    "Mayhap, thou wouldst take Marguerite for thy wife?"
    Stephen almost choked on his wine. Marguerite! He thought not! He cleared his throat. "My destiny lies elsewhere, Sire."
    "Think on it, Stephen. She will come with a large dowry – a dowry any man would be addle-brained not to accept!"
    She would have to come with a large dowry, thought Stephen. Apart from her beauty, it would be her only asset. He pitied the poor fool that would eventually wed her.
    "I shalt retire," the king suddenly announced, standing up. His man servant was instantly by his side. "I trust my chambers are ready?" he enquired.
    The servant bowed. "Aye, Sire. I hath seen to it."
    "Good night, Stephen. Good night, milady." The king exited the Great Hall, leaving Jenny and Stephen alone on the dais, apart from several castle dwellers still eating their meal and quaffing wine on the lower tables.
    "Thou hath taken a dislike to the lady Marguerite," Stephen noted.
    "Yes, she's horrible. I know her type."
    "Her type?"
    "Yes, she only has eyes for men!" Jenny looked at him pointedly and took a gulp of her wine. She was getting quite used to the strong wine and liked the heady feeling it gave her.
    "Mayhap, thou art correct in thy observations, but I tell thee now, thou cannot and will not speak to her with such derision that I hath witnessed this eve."
    Jenny bristled. "I shall talk to her in the same tone that she speaks to me! She's rude! Am I meant to sit back and take her barely veiled abuse without responding?"
    "Aye, Jenny, thou art. Marguerite is a ward of the court and therefore is under King Edward's protection. Thy tone was not noted by him earlier as he was otherwise engaged, but rest assured, if he had heard thee, thou would hath been in serious trouble."
    "Oh, for God's sake! You can't expect me to sit back and let her talk to me like a lower form of life. I won't do it!" She took another large swig of wine and coughed a little when the strong liquid slipped down her throat. She failed to notice the look of thunder on Stephen's face.
    She jumped when he suddenly banged his fist on the table. "Thy blaspheming will cease! At once!" He grabbed the goblet out of her hand and forced her to stand up by taking hold of her elbow. "Thou shalt not blaspheme in my presence or anyone else's, for that matter. Come!"
    He gave her no option as he manoeuvred her around the dais and out of the Great Hall. She soon found herself in her chamber, Stephen's firm grip still on her arm
    The warm feeling she'd experienced earlier from the wine was rapidly diminishing when she realised how cross Stephen was. He closed the door with a solid thud and settled himself on the edge of her bed, pulling her down over his lap.
    She tried valiantly to rise up but Stephen's strength prevented her. A cold blast of air hit her skin as he raised her

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