Waiting for Dusk
meet my sister, Molly.”
    So that’s why they look so much alike ,
she thought. “Nice to meet you, Molly.” Katie put out her hand.
    As Molly shook her hand she said, “You must
be Loretta’s sister. You two look so much alike.”
    “No, I’m no one’s sister.”
    Ruthie turned to Molly. “Don’t you remember I
told you Loretta and Lucinda are sisters?”
    “That’s right. This is all so confusing.”
Molly smiled. “But they don’t look very much like sisters. Kathryn,
you and Loretta could definitely be sisters.”
    Or great-grandmother and
great-granddaughter , Katie thought. “Are you here for the
wedding, Molly?”
    “Oh, no,” Ruthie jumped in. “She’s taking
Lucinda’s place at the restaurant. Molly has been waiting for an
    A voice called out from one of the rooms.
“She’s invited to the wedding, too.” Lucinda’s head popped out of
her door. Then she popped back in. They all laughed.
    Mr. Johansson called to the girls that it was
time to go. Lucinda ran up to him and said, “Your suit will be
ready, too.”
    He made a face.
    “Oh stop that.” she giggled. “You will be so
    Katie looked at Lucinda. She was puzzled. Mr.
Johansson had a suit made for the wedding. She didn’t think he had
that kind of money.
    Lucinda must have guessed what she was
thinking. “He’s giving me away at the wedding.”
    “That’s nice,” Katie responded. “I’m happy
for you.” She really meant it this time.
    Lucinda grabbed Katie’s hand and squeezed
lightly, “Thank you, friend. I felt like I knew you from the minute
I saw you and knew we’d be good friends.”
    It was Katie’s turn to have tears in her
eyes. She wrapped her arms around Lucinda and hugged her tightly.
She turned to get in the car and saw Anna coming. I hope Anna
doesn’t think I’m a traitor or anything like that.
    But Anna’s eyes said the opposite. They were
warm and kind. They almost seemed to say ‘thank you’.
    Katie almost forgot about seeing Drew. She
was so wrapped up in the drama at the boarding house. She would
have to find him and tell him how the plans have changed. Drew was
in the kitchen when the girls arrived. He was laughing and talking
to Cook. It seemed Drew could go anywhere he wanted and no one
seemed to mind. Everyone must love him as much as she did. What did
I just say? Love?
    No, she was too young to be in love. She just
turned sixteen in June and it was what the adults liked to call an
infatuation. That’s all it was. He turned and looked directly at
her. She melted when she saw those eyes. Okay, it’s love.
    Katie grabbed the egg basket and headed
outside, hoping Drew would follow. And he did. She filled him in on
all of the latest developments. She even told him how Lucinda loved
    “I remember when they had that picture taken
this spring,” he said when Katie was done with her summary. “I
don’t think Daniel realized how smitten Lucinda was with him. He
enjoyed her company, that’s all.”
    “You know Daniel?”
    “We met last summer. I would go out to his
ranch with him and go riding. He taught me how to herd cattle.”
    Katie pictured Daniel and Drew riding the
range, herding the cattle. It was too much. She wanted to grab Drew
right then and there and kiss him passionately. She snapped back to
reality and said, “Then you knew he loved Anna?”
    “Yes. He was deeply hurt by how everything
turned out. He blamed himself. I got word to his family that
Lucinda was engaged to Henry Hasting. I wanted them to let Daniel
know he was free to contact Anna.”
    “He did and it was all because of you.” Katie
threw her arms around him. “Thank you, Drew!”
    Drew lifted her off her feet and swung her
around. “I didn’t know that would make you so happy. Anything to
make you happy.” He lightly kissed her on the lips. “Come on. I’ll
help you with the eggs.”
    They talked about trivial things as they
collected the eggs. Katie had named all the hens,

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