The Devil's Playthings

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Book: The Devil's Playthings by Melissa Silvey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Silvey
the towel closet, opening the artfully hidden door and pushing a button on a remote. Dark blue curtains automatically moved to cover the huge glass wall. Another button changed the music to a soulful song.
    He slowly removed the jacket and placed it on the back of one of the rattan chairs. The tie was next, then slowly the butto ns of the shirt. His black eyes didn’t waiver from hers and the shirt was thrown on the chair as well.
    He found a band in the pocket of his pants, and pulled the waves back away from his face. He had to admit to himself, he hated the hair. But Emma loved it so… Finally the pants came off, and he stood in just his underwear. And instead of walking to her, he walked to the pool. He dove in with perfect precision.
    He swan away from her, under the water for minutes before coming up for a breath. He swam and swam until h is lungs hurt. What he wanted to do was to shed the human form and take her now.
    But he didn’t , he couldn’t . He wanted more than anything for her to freely love him. And he had no idea why. He popped his head over the surface, and he could see the steam rising off the water. He could also see the tips of her toes breaking the water’s plane .
    “It’s a hot tub now,” she stated the obvious. He swan toward her, and placed one hand on either side of her on the edge of the pool. He pulled himself partially out of the water, holding his body still with unrealistic strength until his head was even with hers.
    He pushed toward her slowly, until she could feel his hot breath on her face. She spread her legs to allow his body closer to hers. His eyes locked on her lips.
    And the lyrics of the song caught his attention as he sang along with them . His voice was soulful and smooth, and the emotion conveyed in the song described his own perfectly.
    He continued to hold himself in that position, so close to her lips, she could so easily move forward a centimeter and would touch his skin. He continued to sing, an d then she kissed him. She grabbed his shoulders and held on to him, and kissed him with abandon. His muscles were like marble as he balanced there, until finally his human form reached its limit, and he had to fall back into the pool.
    He knew if he pulled her in with him he would injure her, so he lowered himself out of her grasp first. He laughed so hard at the rush of it all, the emotions and thoughts and hopes that ran through his mind, the desire he felt and the desire to hold that spot to stay near to her and how it overrode everything else he wanted.
    He laughed at the humanity he felt in this human form. And he laughed as the same emotions ran through her mind as well. The fear and desire and confusion battled inside her just as it did inside him.
    H e smiled at her though as he made his way to the ladder. “Why do you resist me?”
    She closed her eyes, and whispered, “I have no idea.” He sat down beside her, and leaned forward to rest his head on her shoulder. It felt like she’d placed a heating pad on her muscle . I t was hot but not unpleasant or unbearable.
    Moments later he moved away, finding a robe and grabbing her book off the table. He reached his hand down to her, and whispered “Let’s go to bed.” This time she didn’t resist.
    She woke the next morning curled around his body. His eyes moved to hers slowly, and they were the bright red she’d seen the previous day. This time she didn’t move away. This time she returned his gaze, staring deep into the eyes of Lucifer. She reached up to touch his face, and whispered “good morning” in a deep sultry voice.
    He responded with a language she’d never heard; a language that sounded almost like singing, like harmony, like every note together at the same time. She closed her eyes, and simply listened.
    “What is your name?” He responded with more of the melodious sound. “What is my name?” The sound filled the room, filled her

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