A Raging Dawn

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Book: A Raging Dawn by C. J. Lyons Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Lyons
Tags: fiction/thrillers/medical
positioning himself where he could restrain him if needed.
    “That’s not right. She can’t trick you like that,” Littleton protested, whirling on Jacob. “Your fault—it’s all your fault!”
    Elbowing the bailiff so hard the man fell back and hit the railing, Littleton wrapped his hands around Jacob’s throat. “I’ll kill you, you bastard! I’ll kill you!”

Chapter 10
    RYDER BOUNDED FROM his seat, reaching the defense table before the bailiff had time to recover. His pulse hammered so loudly in his ears he barely heard Littleton’s shouts or the judge’s gavel banging.
    He tackled Littleton, pulling him away from Voorsanger. A wristlock and knee to the small of the back tumbled the prisoner to the ground. By that time, the bailiff was there with his cuffs.
    The bailiff dragged Littleton out of reach as Ryder climbed back to his feet, his gaze scouring the courtroom, searching for any further threats. His breath had barely sped up, although his chest was tight, as if he’d run a mile. But still, for his first day back on the job, it felt pretty damn good.
    The pain would hit later after the adrenaline fled, but who cared?
    He blew his breath out and backed up behind the prosecutor’s table as courthouse security flooded the room. It took three of them to haul out Littleton, who was screaming incoherent threats at anyone who would listen.
    Ryder turned his head to check that Rossi was okay. She perched half in and half out of the witness box, a fierce expression on her face, as if she’d intended to take on Littleton herself. But she wasn’t looking at him. She was focused on her ex, Jacob Voorsanger.
    The judge banged her gavel once again, and a sudden silence descended over the room. Voorsanger slowly pushed himself upright, leaning heavily against the podium as he caught his breath.
    “Your Honor, we request a recess to discuss options with the prosecution,” Voorsanger said, his voice hoarse, his chest heaving with each word.
    “Wise decision, Mr. Voorsanger. I’m declaring an immediate mistrial with no prejudice to the prosecution. Mr. Cruz, you may refile charges at your convenience, but it is my sincere hope that we do not have a repeat of this mockery of justice. At least not in my courtroom. Do I make myself clear, gentlemen?”
    Both lawyers nodded, appearing sheepish. The judge turned to the jury. “Ladies and gentlemen, you are dismissed. Thank you for your time. We are adjourned.”
    With a regal swish of her robe, she disappeared into her chambers. Everyone else filed out, leaving only Manny Cruz, Jacob Voorsanger, Rossi, and Ryder gathered in the no-man’s land between the defense and prosecution tables.
    “Glad I gave up my lunch hour,” Ryder said, the heel of his hand caressing the empty holster on his belt like an amputee scratching a phantom itch. Damn new rules insisted only courthouse security officers carry inside the courthouse. Those bozos weren’t any better than mall rent-a-cops. “Nice show you guys put on.”
    “This is ridiculous.” Manny wheeled on Voorsanger. “If I have to go through this shit again, I’ll bury Littleton’s ass deeper than the last coal they dragged out of the Cambria Mine. I swear I will.”
    Voorsanger was worrying at his neck, now blossoming with red marks, ignoring the other men as he stared at Rossi.
    “You okay?” she asked, placing her hand on his arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Ryder had the feeling she wasn’t talking about Voorsanger’s neck. It was obvious Voorsanger’s last question hadn’t been a mere slip of the tongue.
    Voorsanger gave her a slow nod. “I’m fine.”
    “So, what do you think?” Manny went on in his usual breathless way, ignorant of or ignoring the exchange, excited by his sudden reversal of fortune. His no-win case had just turned into a slam-dunk conviction. “That asswipe going to roll finally? Because now he’s facing assault and attempted murder with you and Judge Shaw as my

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