Urban Fantasy,
st louis,
best seller,
all I’ve been doing is investigating the same rumors you’ve apparently heard. I’ve never seen this Armory. I’ve just been following any leads I could dig up. As you well know, my parents were murdered the same night that a thief broke into Temple Industries. The thief was not the murderer. There was a third party. I saw the video of the attack. That is all I know. I’m simply investigating the why, how, and who. Like any responsible CEO and son would do.”
“Let’s assume you are telling the truth,” Jafar began. “It is now time for you to hand over any information you have amassed on this Armory, and come with us to the Academy to answer for your crimes. You are in our crosshairs, Temple. You have repeatedly risked our secret to the Regulars. You never requested our assistance with the were-dragons, you allegedly used black magic — even if in self-defense, and a long list of others crimes .” So they did know it was me using black magic, I cringed inwardly. “Your parents’ actions were also unsanctioned, and therefore must be reviewed by us. Pass on this information and it will go a long way into removing you from closer… scrutiny. Hand over your knowledge of the Armory.”
“I can’t do that. I don’t have anything to hand over, but even if I did, I’m not sure I disagree with my parents. You haven’t exactly shown much discretion or restraint in this encounter. Imagine if you had nuclear launch codes and I accidentally bumped into you. You threatened me after I told the truth a few seconds ago. How can you say this alleged Armory is safe in your hands?”
“How about we just sniff around for the source of the Brimstone then?” He asked with a hungry sneer.
“Please. Be my guests. I’m just as curious about it as you are. I’ll set up an appointment.”
Jafar smiled a dark smile. “No need for the appointment. Do you not recognize where we are?” His smile stretched wider.
I blinked, finally scanning the room we were in. It was a warehouse. No, a laboratory. Several orbs of light filled the room as one of the Justices cast them against the far walls to stick like giant lightning bugs. Then I saw the symbol on the wall. We were at Temple Industries.
“We have sensed Demon-craft all over St. Louis, and think it might have something to do with you or possibly this Armory. The fact that you smell so strongly like Demons after admitting to researching this endeavor seals the deal. Now, show us the entrance to prove you are not consorting with Demons.”
“I can’t.” I answered softly.
“Can’t, or won’t?” Jafar asked with a disgusted snarl. Before I could reply, he continued. “No problem. We will just follow the scent of Brimstone.”
Huh. I hadn’t thought of that. But then again, I also hadn’t sensed the Brimstone in the first place. If it seemed to be centralized here, it made sense why I stunk of it so strongly. I had been here almost every day trying to get into the Armory. But why did my company smell like Demons? Were there Demons imprisoned in the Armory? I shivered. That was a sobering thought.
I had no choice but to follow them. The female Justice who had spoken earlier drifted out of the laboratory and down the hall like a dog on scent. Going straight for the room I had seen in the video footage. Could they be on to something? After a few minutes, we found ourselves in the fated hallway, staring at a blank wall. I bit back a smile. None of us could see anything unique about this section of hallway, as the room had apparently been spelled invisible by my parents. The first time I had realized anything was here was when I had seen the video footage of the attack, as the camera had shown through all magical energies, revealing the door behind the spell. The wizard waved a hand and a blast of hazy heat seared the protective spell from the air, revealing the giant Omega symbol above a worn, ancient door that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
She smiled