Shades of Amber
predator. “You need to get away for a while, so I’m taking you
someplace beautiful—and solitary.”
    “ One: that statement tells
me nothing of the location. Two: I don’t want to be alone with you.
Three: Even if I didn’t loathe you, I have school!”
    Troy reached for my face,
but I slapped his hand. “Jade, Jade, Jade, it’s not like you to
turn down a surprise.”
    Rain pelted the roof,
filling the silence. It sounded like the ghost of a tune lulling me
into a passive state. A need to touch him came over me, despite my
irritation. “I’m sick of your surprises and your gifts!”
    He put his hand in his
pocket, but didn’t respond.
    The leather creaked as I
scooted toward him. My hands came up, gripping his shirt. “What
happened to you?” I got right in his face. His cologne smelled the
way it used to—exotic and sensual.
    “ I’ll tell you everything…
as soon as we reach our destination.”
    I started to protest, but
he put a finger to my lips. “Look what I found.”
    My eyes widened when I saw
the pendant that should’ve been in the floor of my car. “Where did
you get that?”
    Troy held it out, but I
inched away. “Where do you think?” He laughed, and grabbed a
handful of my hair as he brought his lips to my ear. “Why do you
keep rejecting me?”
    “ You left me! I don’t owe
you anything!”
    He chuckled. “Ah, my dear,
but I came back for you just the same.”
    I focused on keeping the
panic from my voice. “No. I’m not the same and neither are
    “ I need you to wear this,
Jade. Please, just do it for me.”
    “ Why? What is
    “ It belonged to my great,
great, great grandmother and I want you to have it.”
    “ I can’t, I just can’t,
Troy. You and I are not together.”
    He smiled, but it didn’t
reach his eyes. As I studied his face, I could see his struggle for
control. His anger was palpable as he turned toward the
    I pressed myself against
the opposite door. Leaning my cheek against the glass, I looked for
mile markers, but there was only the dark road. I felt a small
vibration in my jean pocket and thanked the heavens I still had my
phone. Glancing at him, I slipped it between the door and seat to
hide the light.
    Before I could send the
S.O.S. his voice came at me like a lulling title wave. “They can’t
help you, Jade. No one knows where you are, so be a good girl and
enjoy the ride.”
    Yeah, right.
    Seeing rescue as my only
option, I gripped the phone tighter. My hands shook, but I couldn’t
let him bother me. My thumb found the send button right as we went
over a pothole. The phone slipped out of reach, and to make matters
worse, I was sure I hit the wrong button.
    I felt like screaming,
cursing, and breaking the window, but then I remembered I hadn’t
tried the door.
    The drop in temperature
made me shiver, but Troy didn’t seem to notice. He still faced the
window, his hand balled into a fist so tight I could see his
    Wrapping my fingers around
the silver handle, I pulled, pushed, jiggled—nothing
    Stupid kiddie
    A small light caught my
attention while I rubbed my shoulders. I stared at his ring,
certain I was hallucinating when I saw fire spark and glow inside
the amber stone. Several seconds passed as I considered my options,
but just when I was ready to cozy up to him for warmth and a closer
look, the cold dissipated.
    He turned around and
pinned me with his gaze. “You should rest… I know you’re
    I shook my head,
struggling to shake off his words. “I’m not.” I crossed my arms in
    Undeterred, he dragged me
to his side. “You are more beautiful each time I see
    “ You’ve been gone two
years, of course I look better. I‘ve grown up.” I tried to wriggle
from his embrace, but he squeezed tighter.
    “ You’re right. You’ve
gotten feistier with age.”
    I tried to argue, but he
put a finger to my lips. “Sleep.”
    A melody filled the cab as
my dark angel

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