Tooth and Claw (The Harry Russo Diaries Book 2)

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Book: Tooth and Claw (The Harry Russo Diaries Book 2) by Lisa Emme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Emme
We can’t just…”
    “Why not? You’re the cop investigating Jonathan’s mysterious
death and I’m just a respectful mourner. Besides, we sat through that whole
boring service; they owe us at least a cookie.”


    It appeared that the majority of mourners had felt the same
way I did and the church’s basement was packed. The Nash groupies tittered in
excitement when we entered the room and I could feel their critical eyes
glaring at me.
    I looped my arm through his, leaning into him and smiled.
“I don’t see the wolf yet.”
    Nash arched his eyebrow at me in surprise at my sudden
desire to be near him. “Take my hand,” he replied. “I’ll help you look.”
    I put my hand in his and together we scanned the crowd.
Nash was the first one to spot the wolf. He was sniffing at the heels of a
middle-aged woman. She was dressed conservatively in a navy pant suit and was
standing off to the side nervously drinking a cup of tea. The wolf suddenly
stepped back and looked at the woman, his ears partially flicked back. He let
out a low whine. His body looked tense and his tail drooped towards the
floor. If I didn’t know better I would say that the woman made the wolf
    I said as much to Nash and he looked at me surprised.
“That’s exactly what the wolf is saying, he’s anxious.”
    “He said that?”
    “Not in words, but his body language.”
    Nash let go of my hand and began making his way through the
crowd to the woman.
    At Nash’s approach, the wolf stepped back, his pose becoming
more submissive, flattening his head down as he backed away. The crowd shifted
and I lost sight of him.
    Nash introduced himself to the woman, probably using his
police status to find out who she was and her connection to Jonathan. I left
him to it and looked for the wolf instead.
    I found him pacing the perimeter of the room. He looked up
at me when I approached and then disappeared into the crowd almost as if he had
been waiting for me. I followed him as discretely as I could, nodding and
smiling at people as I passed. The wolf finally stopped halfway across the
room. I didn’t need Nash to interpret his body language this time. He was
pissed. His ears were forward, his eyes narrowed and his lips drawn back in a
silent snarl. His tail stood straight out from his body which was tense, his
shoulders and hackles raised making him appear bigger. He snapped at the man
standing in front of him, his ghostly jaws gnashing together. He let out a
loud bark, startling me. Of course no one else could hear it.
    I looked across the room at Nash, but he had his back to me.
The woman, however, looked nervous and I noticed that she glanced my way, or
rather the mystery man’s way, several times. I wondered if they knew one
another. I looked back to the man the wolf had led me to. He was amiably
chatting with another man and a woman, oblivious to the fact that he had a
wolf’s snarling ghost practically chewing on his leg. The wolf turned to look
at me and with one last snap of his jaws, disappeared. I guess he had got his
message across.
    I turned my attention back to the man. He was tall and thin
although not weak looking. In fact, he seemed to exude strength, like someone
who took pride in his health and worked out. He had dark hair but with a
considerable sprinkling of grey at his temples. I would have guessed him
to be about fifty or so. The most distinguishing thing about him however, was
the large signet ring he wore on the middle finger of his right hand. The face
was square, with rounded corners and was blood red with a white ‘X’ across it.
    The man appeared to be wrapping up his conversation with the
couple. Where was Nash? I had lost him in the crowd. The man said his goodbyes
and turned to leave. Damn. I’d have to follow him.
    I fell into step behind him and we both joined the small
exodus to the stairs leading outside. It seemed like everyone had been given
the same invisible cue to leave and so I was jostled a

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