Whistle Pass

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Book: Whistle Pass by KevaD Read Free Book Online
Authors: KevaD
not?” One way or another, he had to meet Dora Black. She not only had the man he’d once wanted, she also apparently gave the police chief marching orders in exchange for a little backseat bingo. Busy girl .
    “You have to have money to go in there. I mean, it’s where the rich people hang out.”
    “I’ll just have a beer. I’m sure I have enough for a lousy beer.” He turned, but Gabe pulled him around.
    “Charlie. You don’t get it. Not just anybody can go in there. It’s members only.”
    Charlie mulled that over. “Whistle Pass has so many rich people this place can survive? It’s not exactly on the main road, you know. Up here in the hills, surrounded by trees.” He looked around. “Not even a sign.” Something definitely wasn’t right here. “What kind of place is this?”
    “A dinner club. Fancy food, lots of expensive booze. Only the finest clientele. Crème de la crème. A lot of business types come out from Chicago for private weekend meetings.”
    Charlie scratched the growth on his cheek. “Private meetings, huh.” Yeah. Private as in screw your secretary six ways to Sunday and then go home to the wife and kids. “So, where’re the rooms?”
    Gabe looked away, his hand dropping from Charlie’s coat. His gaze returned to Charlie. “There’s a footpath behind the restaurant that leads to private cabins.” The man took a deep breath and let it out in a deeper sigh. “I used to work weekends here as a maitre d’.” He looked away again.
    Reaching out, Charlie gently turned Gabe’s face to his. “You met somebody. Nothing to be ashamed of.”
    Those soft gray eyes welled. “What it turned into is. Charlie, I—”
    Charlie silenced him with a finger to Gabe’s mouth. Dear Lord, the man had soft lips. “Your business. Nobody else’s. Okay?”
    Gabe slipped his hand around Charlie’s and clutched it to his chest. “But I want you to know. I want you to know everything about me.”
    “Then maybe we should discuss it someplace other than this parking lot where I’m about to go meet the woman married to the man I once thought I’d spend my life with. Not to mention she’s probably the one who dispatched the police chief to try and kick my ass. I’d kind of like to find out if she’s running the show, or if she’s the little woman dutifully obeying her husband.”
    Gabe’s eyes shifted from side to side. “Oh.”
    “Yeah. Oh .” Charlie reclaimed his hand. He slipped off his coat and handed it to Gabe. “Wait here. If this place is like you say, I’ll be right back.”
    The fact he wanted to hear every word Gabe wanted to share with him left Charlie more than a bit uncomfortable. Not about Gabe, but about himself. He didn’t want Gabe to open up to him and then both of them discover Charlie was simply on the rebound. Gabe deserved better. Charlie allowed a half grin. The guy stood to lose everything by helping him, yet here he was.
    He grabbed the building’s door handle. Better to keep Gabe at arm’s length until Charlie knew for sure just where Gabe stood in his heart. He hesitated. In my heart? Where the hell did that come from? He threw open the door.

Chapter 10

    A BURST of heat blew over him. He looked up. A ceiling vent to warm the entering guests. The alcove decked out in fake stone opened to a hall. A scowling man in white shirt and black bowtie stood at a wooden pulpit. Behind the man was another wall. The opening to the man’s right no doubt led to the dining room and bar.
    “Do you have a reservation, sir?” The voice, more snarl than welcoming, came as sharp as the man’s glare.
    “We both know I don’t. Tell Dora Black that Charlie Harris wants to see her.”
    The man’s eyes stayed trained on Charlie while a finger slid over a page in an open book. “We have no guest here by that name.”
    A whiff of barbequed ribs and pork floated past. Charlie flared his nostrils. The food smelled damn good. Sounds of low voices and tableware on plates

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