Falling for Your Madness
me that I had it; I just didn’t know how to use it. I wanted to be treated like a lady.
    “You’re right. I apologize for making you uncomfortable.” I really didn’t know what else to do, but taking responsibility wasn’t a bad first step. Dr. David Julius Arthur Bowles is a very good teacher. “Let’s change the subject. And order something. I’m hungry too.”
    The rest of the meal was fine. I was quiet and more subdued than I usually am. Trey was nice. He was funny. But he never did ask me about my life, and he interrupted me without realizing it. Right before dessert, he saw someone, I’m assuming a Red Sox player, and they greeted each other and chatted for a minute or so, and he never introduced me.
    We finished our meal. Trey paid the tab, and we left. While standing on the sidewalk, in the glow of those romantic street lamps, he said, “So, now. What would you like to do?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Do you want to go to my place for a drink?”
    “I think I should go home.”
    “What? Why?”
    Because I have power. I was beginning to understand. “Because of your plans.”
    He was defensive. “All I want to do is go to my place for a drink.”
    “What time will you be taking me home?” I tried to ask sweetly, but it did sound a bit like an accusation.
    “I don’t know. Whenever.”
    I stepped back. “You do know. You’ll take me home when you’re done trying to get me drunk.”
    “What? No. I wouldn’t do that.”
    “You wouldn’t? You’ve tried it before. And I didn’t like it then.”
    “What’s with you? Maybe I did. You didn’t have any objections, if I remember.”
    “Well, maybe I’ve decided to object now.” I felt so strong. I felt so in control. “Maybe I see myself differently. I don’t think it’s too much to ask to be treated like a lady.”
    “I’m taking you to dinner. What else do you want?”
    “I told you. To be treated well. I came here on my own dime. You were twenty-two minutes late, and I stood in the cold. You’ve interrupted me repeatedly and never once asked what was going on in my life. You didn’t introduce me to your friend. You didn’t pull out the chair for me or stand when I returned. Then, you have the gall to question my relationship with my friend, David, as if I owe you any explanation at all. Now you want me to be alone with you in your apartment?” I realized that I was shrieking and was probably causing a scene, and it was probably very unbecoming.
    “Laura, may I be of assistance?” It was David. I was so glad to see him. My knight in shining armor.
    “Do you think you and Merle could take me home?”
    “Is this gentleman bothering you?”
    Trey rolled his eyes. “Oh look, it’s tough guy, here to beat me up.”
    “No sir, I do not beat anyone up unless the propriety of a lady requires it. Of course, dear, we’ll take you home.”
    Trey stepped between us. “Now, wait a second. You’re not getting off that easy. I just bought you dinner.”
    David dropped his bag. He shouted, “Sir, are you suggesting that she somehow owes you? How ungentlemanly!”
    “What is with you? Come on, Laura. I’ll take you home if that’s what you want.” Trey took my elbow again, this time a little too roughly.
    “Get your hands off me!”
    David threw his suitcase on the ground. He raised his voice. “Sir, that is no way to treat a lady.”
    “Why don’t you butt out? Friend .”
    “Oh.” David was immediately calm. “I see.” He looked at me. “Then this gentleman is your sweetheart? You didn’t tell me.” Then he took his eyes away, just a little. He bowed his head to Trey. “If you are her love, then you must know that I behaved in an ungentlemanly way in her apartment last night. I must apologize to you for my abominable actions.”
    “What?” Trey looked at me. There was anger in his

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