Purple Haze (Blue Dream Book 2)

Free Purple Haze (Blue Dream Book 2) by Unknown Page B

Book: Purple Haze (Blue Dream Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    A perplexed expression pins itself on her face. “Because I'm the owner of the private school your niece attends.”
    The same look joins mine. “What?”
    “Didn't Noah tell you?” she questions now too close for the starvation of her taste to be denied another time.
    I gently lean the broom against the mirror of the maroon Honda Civic we're beside. “No.”
    “Oh,” the shock in her voice appears again. “I figured he had. I figured...I mean...I don't know. I guess I thought maybe it was something he said in passing. Casual comment over dinner type of thing.”
    He didn't even fucking clue me in that he had even heard she was still in town. For that I might end up taking a swing at him. At the very least shred apart the whole brotherly facade he's been trying to build because if he really cared, if he really gave a fuck about me, it would've been one of the first things he said to me when I got out of rehab. If he knew more than the addict he tried to blame on stealing things from him, he might have. He may have all the markings of a changed sibling, but it's his suspicious choices like that, that make me skeptical.
    My body enters auto pilot as it cruises over to hers. “If he had, I would've been outside the front doors of your school every night waiting for you. Trying to talk to you. Trying to fight to have you back in my life.” Our hips scrape against one another but I restrain the rest of my body from touching hers. “Pres...”
    With each breath she takes her full tits brush against my chest. “Yes?”
    I stifle the growing groan. “I know we need to talk-”
    “We do.”
    “And I know there's so much shit I need to say-”
    “Me too...”
    “But can I just...” the end of the sentence drifts one direction while my fingers sweep the hair out of her face.
    Gently I fuse our mouths together with a pull on the back of her neck. Lust lurches my tongue against her with audacious consumption. Presley grips the edge of my shirt in what feels like fear. Hoping it's because she's afraid to lose the connection as much as I am, I cradle her in my arms, turning our bodies during the frantic movements of our kiss.
    By the time her body hits the hood of the car, I've completely lost all self-control. Carelessly I'm yanking open her blouse, trailing my teeth along her neck and jaw bone, greedily devouring all of the sweet flesh I manage to touch. Underneath me, she purrs at every stroke spurring the monster I've turned into to continue the thoughtless rampage.
    Presley's hand softly lands on my cheek. Her simple action stops mine. The blinding sexual madness from being with her easily transcends all drug combinations. My hand, which has a forceful grip on her thong loosens.
    Immediately her brown eyes fill with a panic that pains me. “What's wrong?”
    I glance over her swollen lips from my kiss. Her heaving breathing from desperation for me. It's an intoxicating sight. But I have to focus. I have to...think. “Tell me to stop and I will.”
    For a moment our eyes linger. An almost forgotten clashing begins to occur inside. Logic battles against instinct. Selfishness swings at selflessness. The emotional war waging I'm accustomed to begins to return on the horizon.
    She leans up slowly and begins to unbuckle the belt on my jeans with a wicked smirk. Pouncing her tongue again, I toss away the worries that this isn't what she wants. That this isn't what we need.  Swiftly, I remove her underwear, drop my jeans, and slide myself through the sweltering heat. Every piston of my hips creates a new form of a junkie from the ashes of an old one. Brazen with fervor, I harshly latch her onto my cock, and my mouth onto the crook of her neck, anxious to hear the sounds she's making for me.
    Moans of satisfaction mix with my name, tempting me to come before I should. “God, Ryder...”
    That's my name. This is my girl. My life.

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