already hard at work locking the place up.
Rob assumed that with thousands of priceless artifacts, artwork,
and sculptures, they weren’t taking any chances.
    “ I’m Mrs. Ramsey,” the
teacher said. She then turned down a long, darkened corridor. “This
way, follow me.”
    Operation Urban
    The security in and around
the “Met” was at its most heightened.
Spectators pushed past Rob and Mila with guards hastily escorting
patrons toward the exits. The vast dome-like ceiling raised on
pillars high above. Mrs. Ramsey stayed close and led the way past
museum wings and cultural exhibits. Under normal circumstances, Rob
would have enjoyed the private tour, but ancient artifacts were the
furthest thing from his mind.
    They passed an Egyptian wing
spotlighting the famous Temple of Dendur monument. Sunlight poured
into the exhibition room from the long, angled windows, from floor
to ceiling. Staff members entered the room and quickly pulled down
shutters, blocking out the sun and darkening the room. Mrs. Ramsey
led Rob and Mila down a hall passed several exhibition
    “ The children are in the
cafeteria,” Mrs. Ramsey said, slightly turning her head.
    “ It’s a good thing we ran
into you when we did,” Rob said. “Where were you
    Her Algeria shoes clicked
against the glossy stone floor with her hurried pace. “I was on my way to go check on the buses,” she
    “ My guess is that they
won’t start. Am I right?”
    “ We’re working on it, and
I don’t know what the problem is,” she said.
    “ Mrs. Ramsey,” Rob began,
“things are going to get much, much worse. I’ve read a lot about
this. What we’re experiencing now is only the beginning of a
deliberate attack on this country. Are you familiar with the
effects of an EMP?”
    Mrs. Ramsey paused. “An
electromagnetic pulse? Yes. I had my suspicions as
    “ Then you understand how
important it is to keep these students safe. You’re going to need a
police or military escort, if you plan to get these students
    Mrs. Ramsey looked at Rob wide-eyed.
“I wouldn’t even know where to start to request for
    “ I wouldn’t know, either.
But I can tell you that it’s the only way.”
    Mila spoke up. “And not every parent is going to do what we’ve
    “ I understand,” Mrs.
Ramsey said. “The teachers are going to have a meeting and discuss
the best plan of action.”
    “ We saw a man being shot
to death in broad daylight, right in front of us a few blocks away.
He was shoplifting. Thousands of other people will soon be doing
the same,” Rob said.
    Mrs. Ramsey seemed unnerved. He hoped
that she got the message.
    They approached the cafeteria—the size
of a large mall food court—and could see room packed with children
sitting at tables. Mrs. Ramsey pushed open double doors and they
were met with clamorous chatter. Students ate from their sack
lunches, talking and laughing as if nothing was out of the
    Mrs. Ramsey stopped them
and turned around. “We have six classes in
here, two from each grade. We’ve got them under control now, but
it’s been difficult.”
    “ And their cell phones?”
Rob asked.
    “ Not one works. It’s got
them on edge, that’s for sure.”
    “ What did you tell
    She shrugged. “Temporary glitch.”
    “ Not the first time that’s
been said today, I assure you,” Rob said.
    Mila scanned the room
through a sea of children. She wanted to yell for them, but wasn’t
keen on making a scene . Rob seemed to not
share the same concern. He cupped his hands and shouted for them,
gaining the attention of the entire room.
    The chatter among the students died
down as faces turned to them. Mrs. Ramsey stood sheepishly to the
side as other teachers looked up startled.
    Two children stood up on
opposite sides of the cafeteria as all eyes turned to them. Josh,
on one end, looked over and squinted, clearly perplexed by his
parents ’

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