The Shift of Numbers

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Book: The Shift of Numbers by David Warrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Warrington
floor were given over to the Investigations Department. I t looked like a cross between a police station and a bank , only with better carpet. The 5 th floor , where Tim was heading , contained the offices of the direc tors of each Sub-Department. He had no idea what was on the t op 2 floors of the MSD building. People worked up there but no- one he knew had any clue as to what they did.
    Tim departed the lift and made his way to the office of the director of investigation s. A fter speaking bri efly to her secretary, he entered her office. The Director was a bit of a running joke in the MSD for her terrible sense of dress. She , of course, knew nothing of this, as no- one would be stupid enough to tell her. Today , Tim noted that she was wearing a bright blue al most ball- gown a ffair with a green silk scarf. H e smiled inside , careful not to let it show on his face.
    “Ahh , Tim,” t he Director exclaimed in her shrill voice. “Sit down.” Once Tim was sat down the Director stood up. “I take it you have seen the news today?”
    “Ye s, ma’am, I have, ” Tim replied militarily.
    “The ma t ter will need immediate investigation. I t has been designated the highest priority. I want you to drop anything you a re
    currently working on. Here.” She handed Tim a dossier. “We are in the process of arresting all the directors of Shure Stock. The one that is of most interest to us is subject 6741. Open to page 16.” Another of her quirks, Tim had noticed, was that she never used the full name of anyone who was to be interrogated. Page 16 contained a photo of Richard.
    “I want you t o arrest him and question him. H e is in a medical facility at the moment but I’ve just got off the phone with his doctor and convinced him that it was in his best interests to release him with a clean bill of mental health.” Tim inwardly shud dered at the ruthlessness beneath the Director’s badly- clothed exterior.
    “I will get to it at once , ma ’am, ” Tim stated, readying himself to leave.
    “1 more thing. Y ou won’t be working alone on this case. I have brought in Carl from upstairs.” She pointed to the ceiling when she said this and a thin malicious - looking smile played on her lips.
    “Is that truly necessary?” a sked Tim, made bold by the fact he had worked with Carl before and truly hated him.
    “Do you have a problem with hi m?” s he smiled , thinly.
    “No , ma ’am. I t ’ s just that thi s investigation may require a ce rtain amount of…delicacy, for want of a better word.”
    “I can be delicate,” c ame a rough deep voice from just behind Tim. Tim jumped and looked instinctively around.
    “Hello , C arl,” s aid Tim , in his most neutral voice.        
    “Now you 2 run along. Y ou have a lot of work to do , ” said the Director. As if dismissed by the headmistress , the 2 men stood up wordlessly and left the office.
    Tim and Carl didn’t speak 1 word to each other all the way to Dullstand Psychiatric H ospital . T he silence was broken occasionall y by Carl sniggering to himself ; it was a strange high-pitched noise that Tim figured was an uncontrollable phonic tic of some kind. Once inside , Carl followed Tim until they had located a doctor and then Richard’s room. H e then turned to Tim and said, “I will deal with the posh boy , ” and swiftly walked into Richard’s room and dragged him out by 1 of his legs.
    “EASY! C an’t you see he’s doped up to the e yeballs? Stand him up over here,” Tim ordered Carl, p ointing to a nearby desk. Carl roughly hoisted Richard up by his shirt and le a nt him up against the desk , keeping 1 firm hand on his shoulder.
    “Get him cuffed and read him his rights - i f you can do that witho ut causing him any physical harm, ” Tim sarcastically told Carl in a superior tone.
    “Rig hts?” c ame the response , after another high-pitched snigger. As he manhandled Richard into the handcuffs , the loud clattering sound of high

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