Gypsey Blood

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Book: Gypsey Blood by Lorrie Unites-Struff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorrie Unites-Struff
and out of their cars, going about their everyday lives. So normal. So happy. So blissfully unaware of the blood-sucking predator roaming the neighborhood. Rita shivered and closed the window.
    Matt sopped up the last of the gravy from his bowl with rye bread. “Great. Thanks, Dragus.” Wiping his mouth with a napkin, his eyes took in everyone in the room. “I think it’s time to tell the task force what we’re up against.”
    Anna pushed her tray of food away, her forehead pinched with worry lines. “Ach, they won’t believe you. They’ll think you’re crazy.”
    A half giggle slid from Rita’s throat. “She’s right. I can see us trying to explain a vampire.” She tilted her head, held up a finger. “Wait. I’ve heard of documented cases where some loonies really think they are vampires. Maybe we can spin it, tell them he’s one of those nut jobs.”
    “No.” Matt countered. “Then they won’t take the situation seriously, and they might get hurt, or worse. Especially when bullets don’t faze him.” He stood and hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “I’m not seeing much of a choice here. You were dead on when you said your police force is in danger.”
    “The Chief knows about my crystal, and he still treats me as if I’m living outside of a rational orbit. You mention real vampire, and they’ll probably call for the men with white coats.”
    Anna folded and unfolded the napkin on her lap. “This kind of creature is better left unknown.”
    Matt took Anna’s hand. “I’m sorry for the terrible news I’ve brought to your family. If I knew where this Lucien was, I’d go after him myself—try to spare everyone more grief.”
    Uncle Dragus pushed back his chair and stared at his black boots as if his usual cheer had drained out the very soles of his feet. Suddenly, his head shot up. He sprang forward and snapped his thick fingers. “I have idea. Maybe we find Lucien for Matt.”
    “How?” Matt asked. “I’ll work with anything y’all come up with.”
    “What?” Anna moved her chair near her brother, her upper body strung tight. “What am I missing?”
    “Amulet power. Think, Anna. Amulet handed down through family. Lucien's family. Ja . We use it to find lair. Wait, I get map.” He went to the bookshelf and retrieved a map of the area. The paper crackled as he flattened the sheet on the desk.
    Puzzled, Rita and Matt exchanged glances.
    “Yes, yes,” Anna said. “Ach, I forgot. Family finds family. Daughter, take off the amulet. You have seen him. He had his hands on you, smelled our blood. The crystal touched him. Gently swing it over this map and concentrate on Lucien. Form his features in your mind, concentrate, and we will see where the crystal points.”
    Excitement tinged Rita’s voice. “Yeah, I’ve heard of this scrying before.” She hurried over to the desk. “It’s worth a try.”
    Matt unclasped the crystal from her neck. Rita pinched the gold chain between her thumb and forefinger. She took a deep breath, leaned over the map and closed her eyes. Lucien’s face took form in her mind. She suspended the amulet over the map and opened her eyes. The crystal circled, swung back and forth like a pendulum, never pointing at any one place.
    “Damn it! Why won’t it stop moving?” asked Rita.
    Uncle Dragus snorted. “It not work .”
    The chair creaked as Matt sat heavily and let out a pent up breath.
    Rita paced in front of the desk, squeezing the amulet so tight, the star points dug into her palm.
    “It’s no use.” Anna said. “We need something more of Lucien’s for this scrying to work. The blood running through our veins is not enough.”
    Rita stopped in mid-step. “Wait! I do have something of his. I’ll be right back.” She ran out to the Rover and fumbled through her slut-duds in the back seat. Rita dug into the tote, then searched the pockets of the fur, and then the deep pockets of the pink raincoat. Rita returned with the button from Lucien’s

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