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Book: KissBeforeDying by Aline Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aline Hunter
longed for nothing more than conversation as
we sat before the roaring fire. It was how we spent a majority of our time,
sharing and nourishing our chaste yet endearing friendship. We were as close as
lovers, even though we’d never taken our relationship to that level and—if
Sebastian had his way—never would. My Master wouldn’t consider such a thing. My
life, to him, was worth far more than my death. A night of love and pleasure in
his arms wasn’t worth the sacrifice involved.
    I knew that, had tried to accept it.
    Until I realized I’d only been lying to myself.
    The large oak door opened with a protest of squeaking
hinges, interrupting my thoughts and memories. Sebastian entered the
bedchamber. His massive frame took up a large portion of the bedroom, as did
his intimidating presence. He pulled the door closed, walked to the center of
the room and stood before me. I knew what to expect. I had seen him come to
those fortunate enough to grace his bed in those early days of my tenure. I’d
been jealous of each one, even if it had been wrong to resent the poor
creatures. True, they’d experienced what I longed for. They’d known the touch
of my master as a lover. Yet even as they gloried in the pleasures of his body
it was I who shared a portion of his mind. We’d become connected through blood,
even if we were destined to be nothing more than friends. The only time I left
his chamber was when he entertained, taking women to his bed, breaking my heart
each time in the process.
    As required, I donned a black mask embossed with blood-red
jewels that revealed only my cherry-stained lips and darkly kohled chocolate
brown eyes, which worked in my favor. It was essential to keep my identity
hidden. Fortunately the lords preferred to think of their bed partners as
little more than disposable pleasures. None of them enjoyed killing, even when
it was necessary. The mask also held an enchantment, obscuring my unique scent.
Otherwise Sebastian would easily recognize the fragrance of my blood and, by
association, my identity.
    To enhance the illusion, I chose a long pale blonde wig to
disguise the brunette waves collected beneath. Sebastian loved my hair. He
claimed it was a prize of its own. Masking those heavy strands was as important
as obscuring my face.
    He continued standing in front of me, impossible to ignore,
observing me with a trained and critical eye. He was covered in expensive
materials, each piece custom fit to his frame. The black jacket molded to his
wide shoulders had been left open along the center to reveal the crisp white
shirt beneath. Pearly white buttons were opened at the collar, displaying a
tantalizing flash of flesh.
    “Rise,” he murmured in a thick voice, slightly accented and
entirely erotic.
    The mere word caused my thin panties to become drenched with
hot, liquid arousal. I shivered, goose bumps making me painfully aware of my
sexual need. Wantonly, I envisioned the lips that uttered the order against my
breasts—sucking, biting, exploring. My nipples hardened at the prospect,
forming into beaded points. I shifted uncomfortably in the chair, clit
throbbing, trying to steady my breathing.
    Sebastian chuckled at my reaction. “Rise, little beauty, and
come to me.”
    This time, I did.
    The four-inch heels I’d chosen were odd to walk in, but they
were necessary to add to the illusion and to alter his perception. I purposely
rotated my hips with each step, every stride bringing me closer. I had to force
myself not to peer into the magnificent face of the man I had decided to give
myself to.
    The man I was willing to die to be possessed by completely.
    “You are exceptional,” he breathed. Reaching out, he pushed
aside the thick red velvet cape around my shoulders to reveal the—until now
unseen—treasures hidden beneath.
    The heavy material clung to the clasp at my throat and
allowed him uninhibited access to my body. He started at the base of my neck,
fingers skimming across the surface

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