The Texan's Christmas

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Book: The Texan's Christmas by Linda Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Warren
Tags: Romance
    “I never forgot Lucky.”
    “That’s little solace for her now.” She shook her head. “Why didn’t she call me? I would have taken her and the baby in. This is too sad.”
    “It’s my fault. Not Lucky’s.”
    “It’s not a time to place blame. It’s time to get on with your lives.”
    He clenched his hands between his knees. “The baby is buried at the Littlefield place and Lucky didn’t put my last name on the headstone. I can’t get beyond that. I don’t have any rights, but…”
    “Now, Cisco. I know that tone of voice. Do not do anything stupid.”
    “I’m putting my name where it should be,” he said with force.
    She clutched his arm. “Listen to me. Talk to Lucky and work this out. You used to be able to talk her into anything.”
    “She’s changed.”
    “You haven’t. You’ve always been determined to get your way just like…”
    He looked into his aunt’s startled, gray eyes. “…Dad.”
    Something in her expression drew his attention. “You thought so much of him.”
    “Not always. He had his faults like everyone else.”
    “Like what?” Could she possibly know the truth?
    “We’re not talking about Chuck. We’re talking about you.”
    “Oh, no. You know something about Dad and I’m old enough to hear it.”
    “Leave it alone, Kid.”
    “No, we’re not keeping any more secrets in this family.”
    “I’m a womanizer, a liar and a cheat just like Dad.”
    “Oh.” His aunt visibly paled.
    “I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.”
    She smoothed her apron. “Yes.”
    “You knew Dad was leaving us, didn’t you?”
    “It was so long ago.”
    “It seems like yesterday. Just tell me the truth.”
    His aunt paused. “Yes, I knew he was leaving Carol for another woman. He asked me to look out for her and you boys. I did everything I could to talk him out of it, but nothing worked. He was besotted with that…”
    “Finish it, Aunt Etta.”
    “With that woman, Blanche Dumont.”
    “You knew who the other woman was?”
    “Yes, but—” she frowned “—how do you know? He was going to tell Carol the day after the big championship game. They had the wreck and I was relieved he hadn’t broken up the family.”
    “He told her on the way back from Austin. Chance wasn’t asleep like he’d told the highway patrol and he heard everything except the woman’s name. Mom started hitting and demanding he tell her. That’s how he lost control of the car. Chance has known all these years and he finally revealed his secret to Cadde andme when he joined us in Houston.” He scooted to face her. “When Chance married Shay, you knew her mother was Dad’s lover?”
    “How did that make you feel?”
    “Sad. But once I met Shay I liked her and saw no reason to dredge up your father’s sordid past.” She suddenly hit his shoulder, which was like a feather brushing his arm. “How could you boys keep that from me?”
    “We knew how much you loved Dad and we didn’t want to hurt you.”
    Aunt Etta’s demeanor crumpled. “My poor, sweet Chance. What a burden he’s carried. I have to talk to him.”
    Kid hugged her and smiled into her worried face. “Please let me give them a heads-up. If they’re going to kill me, I’d like to have a running start.”
    His aunt smiled slightly. “I’m sorry I said you were like Chuck. You have his adventurous spirit, but you have Carol’s sensitive side, her willingness to compromise, to smile and to work things out. Chuck never compromised on anything. I loved him, but he was stubborn as a mule.”
    She hugged him again and he hugged her back. “Thank you. I needed to hear I have some good qualities.” He made to stand and forgot where he was and bumped his head on the top bunk. “Damn.” He rubbed his noggin.
    Aunt Etta laughed and he laughed with her.
    She touched his cheek. “You’ve always made us laugh. Never stop laughing, Kid.”


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