THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series)

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Book: THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series) by John Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Price
government has not changed. We will not exacerbate what is already an
obviously tense situation by throwing our military might into some other nation’s controversy.
We would urge Israel to settle its own
problems and to desist from continually badgering
us to do something that we have made clear we will never do…..That’s all….I have a meeting with the
and Hannah were hugging each other. Sally, who had said for the last two years
that there was nothing that would cause her to move from the US, was
crestfallen. Wringing her hands, she burst out, "Can you guys ever forgive me? I know we talked about
this earlier, I apologized, but I just can’t get over the fact that we
had a chance to flee, and we willfully…. I willfully ….decided not to listen to what God was telling me in His Word. If I hadn’t been so
stupid, you all might have followed Marty and Tom and Liz and Max out of what is about to happen to us."
put his arms around his wife, comforting her, "Sally, my dear, I knew the
same things you knew. I studied the same verses. I knew in my heart that
America is the Daughter of Babylon prophesied in the Bible. It can’t be any other country. It can’t be ancient Babylon. I just
read in my Bible reading this morning that God told Jeremiah that after Israel
was captive in ancient Babylon that He would impose on Babylon an everlasting destruction. He kept His
word. Ancient Babylon is still a pile
of rubble. America…. is….the
descendant of Babylon . It was both of us, honey, who decided not to
obey all those verses to flee the Daughter of Babylon."
was quiet, then Beau said, "I suggest that we go
straight to prayer. It’s quite obvious that the President of our country
has not only stabbed Israel in the back, now we’re twisting the blade, telling Israel to stop bothering us with its
repeated cries for help. God forgive us for what
we are doing to Israel . But, we know what He promises for those who mis -treat Israel.
So….we know we’re toast. The only remaining question is when do we head to our bolt hole, our safe house?"
who had been quietly contemplative up to now, said, "Here’s the
deal. God’s response to our country’s betrayal of His chosen people is imminent . If I had to guess,
I’d say with this final announcement from the White House that
we’re not far from doom. If you ladies are right about how long our food
supplies will last, then getting us and what food we have over to our safe
house in a timely manner is critical .
Scott, you’ve been our point guy on the safe house. What’s your
plan once we see America under attack?"
hugging Sally, Scott replied, "As you know, there are guys from twenty
small groups who’ve been planning what we would do if…. when ….disaster hits. We’ve
been meeting monthly. Though we’ve kept it very quiet, I can share with
you that we’ve selected an older, abandoned grade school building between
here and Pelham. It was closed due to school consolidation, moth-balled for
years. It’s not on any major road. It was built back in a wooded area
probably forty years ago. Just one floor. All brick. Windows, of course, but not so
many that the building can’t be defended. Central courtyard, so we
can use the outdoors, without going out of the building. Kitchen facilities so
we can prepare food for the hundred or so men, women and children who will live
dabbing her eyes, whispered, "I just can’t believe that we’re
talking about hiding out in some bunker ….Is
it really going to come to that? Really? "
not only looked like he was military, he had just retired from the Army
Reserves only a year ago. He replied, "Audrey, dear Audrey. We’re
not the first Christians, nor

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