Words of Lust

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Book: Words of Lust by Lise Horton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lise Horton
mother. I have a caretaker who takes care of it throughout the year, but I haven’t been out since they died.”
    “Maybe if I play my cards right, I can bum a weekend rolling in the sand with you.” She’d gotten that quiet voice again at the mention of her parents. He’d like to give her some new memories at her cottage to replace the sad ones.
    “That might be arranged.”
    “Now that the weather’s great, when you aren’t so busy you’ll have to come up to my place some weekend too. Maybe after the semester lets out, when it’s nice and warm. Good weather for skinny-dipping and having wild monkey sex on the front lawn.” That little intake of breath said she was a bit shocked but intrigued. Yeah, she was going to love his country house.
    “I think that would be great. I love the city, but I love getting away too. The peace and quiet makes me appreciate the electricity of Manhattan when I come back. But seriously, are you trying to sweep me off my feet or something? Your parents, now a weekend in your woodland hideaway?” There was that tone of incredulity beneath the lighthearted voice, and he took note.
    “Hmm. Sweeping you off your feet sounds like a definite plan, Professor. Thanks for the idea. Whittling away at that insecurity of yours is going to take time, finesse and a lot of attention to that gorgeous body. A dirty job, but somebody has to do it. Lucky for you, I love getting down and dirty.”
    “What are you doing now?” It sounded like she was choking.
    “I’m sitting here with a beer and a dirty book by one Henry Miller. I’m just up to a good part.”
    “With Miller they’re all good parts.”
    “Really? Good to know. When you’re not so busy you’ll have to share some of your favorites with me. What are you teaching these days?”
    “We’ve just finished our discussion of the Story of O. It’s an erotic classic of a young submissive’s sadomasochistic journey of obsession. Feminists hate it, of course, but all the girls read it anyway because, as Gia says, it turns them on, so I finally decided to add it to the curriculum and put it in the context of some other writings.”
    “How about you? Does it turn you on too?
    She sighed deeply and hesitated. “It has its moments.”
    “Add those moments to the list for discussion, Professor.”
    “You enjoy throwing me off balance, don’t you?”
    “Best way to sweep you off your feet.”
    “I cannot think of a single thing to say to that.”
    They chatted for a couple more minutes before he said he’d pick her up at two-thirty the next day to head to Forest Hills.
    “Two-thirty? For dinner?”
    “That’s not a problem, is it? Dinner won’t get going until around four, but you can meet everyone and we can start off noshing on some antipasto and hang out in the backyard. With all of us and Cara’s kids, well, it gets a little wild. This way I can break you in gently.”
    “It’s not a problem at all. I guess I didn’t realize dinner was so early.”
    “Sunday family dinner? Babe, it starts early and goes on for hours.”
    “All right, I’ll be waiting for you downstairs at two-thirty, then.”
    “Great. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams of me, Professor.”
    He didn’t know about her, but his own wild and weird dreams were anything but sweet and she featured prominently in them. In one he was fucking her on a table in a bar, surrounded by tall piles of books and a hard driving rock band performing a song called “Fucking the Girl From Nantucket,” which sounded like a great idea. He wanted a lot more from Professor Serafina Luca, but he’d already figured out she would take finesse and he was going to go slow with her if it killed him.
    Judging by his cock, it just might.

Chapter Five
    “Ready to face the music?” Nick’s teasing only marginally lessened her stress.
    She’d never met a boyfriend’s or lover’s parents, much less the entire family en masse. He had unintentionally compounded the

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