SEIZED Part 3: Steamy Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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Book: SEIZED Part 3: Steamy Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
is gravitating to the broken, twisted, felony hooker?
    It’s perfect really. She must have the motto, ‘treat ’em mean, keep ’em keen’. It hasn’t been a strategy I’ve purposely pulled out of the hat. Whenever it did happen, I felt it was a natural by-product that comes along with the territory of protecting myself. Had I known it was the secret formula all along, I’d have treated a heck of a lot more men like crap.
    Instead, I had been working against my instincts, trying to conform to the social norm of ‘settling down’ and having traditional romantic relationships when even now—well, before Blake anyway—it felt lovely to enjoy men while it was fun and then let them go.
    I heard it used as a line in a movie about gambling once: “Hold on tightly; let go lightly.” The actor was talking about money, but it must apply to everything. Enjoy it while we can, because soon it’ll leave, and then we’ve got a choice as to how we deal with the fallout. I always thought this attitude would keep me from the love of my life, but after the abuse, it was my default.
    I thought I was broken until Blake came back into my life. And now, look what’s happened. Turns out I couldn’t trust him at all. This is a valuable lesson for me to remember. I’m still broken, and so are a lot of people, including Blake.
    “Carrie, Carrie!”
    Someone is snapping their fingers in my face. I snap out of my self-analysis. The entire nine-member team is looking at me.
    “Sorry, guys, sorry,” I say. “A lot has been going on. I’ll focus and pull it together now.”
    No one says anything, but I feel Jason Cooper’s eyes on me. Speaking of unexpected events, the arrival of this guy was nothing short of spooky. Literally minutes after I say goodbye to Blake he was there with those wolfy eyes.
    We share a look of understanding across the table. He takes control of the situation so fluidly it makes my breath stop. He knows what I really need is to be calm right now. Calm and alone with those eyes. I stay seated as he clears the room with one finger pointed to the door. Everyone wishes me luck and files out of the room. Soon they will drop me off close to the warehouse and the plan will be in motion. I need to keep my head clear, and remember Agent Cooper and his crew are watching.
    “How you doing, Carrie?”
    He closes the door behind him and with the mirrored glass, it means no one can see us, although the hallway looks to have resumed its busy pace. He puts his hands down on the table, palms flat and looks into my eyes to wait for my answer.
    “I’m ok, I’m tired, so much has happened already you know?”
    “It won’t be long now until you feel better. I can’t tell you we’re going to save your friend or prove Blake isn’t a criminal. But I can promise you one thing…I promise you that whatever happens out there, I’ve got you. The team has your back and I’ll be watching. So I need you to trust us, and keep focused, okay? Even when you’re scared, just trust me. We’ve got this.”
    “Okay. Thanks, Agent Cooper.”
    “Carrie, it’s time you set off for the warehouse, but first, we’ll make a stop at your hotel, in case Neon’s goons are still stationed there to watch you. We’ll drop you off around back, and once we arrive, go to your room for a few minutes, and then go back down to the lobby. Stand out front where the bell men and valets are, until we’re all set to leave for to New Jersey. Are you ready?”
    “I’m ready.”
    He stands and motions for me to follow him. We move together through the field office. They check me one last time to make sure I have everything, and escort me through the back doors. A car is waiting to take me back to the hotel. I look over at Jason as I slide into the passenger seat. My eyes meet his in a final second of contact that is just as intensely focused as the one we shared earlier. The car moves off, and I turn my mind to what’s ahead.


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