The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life)

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Book: The Fight of the Demon Lord (Demon Lord's Life) by Red Angel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Angel
shoulder and pulled her closer to me as she saw my eyes I took the opportunity to steal a kiss from her.
    I felt her laugh, “you are such a dork Drake, you set all this up so I would kiss you admit it.”
    “ Ok fine, but I wanted to have fun with Sandy as well I owe her for not being in school the last few weeks.”
    “ Ok honey now tell them to start this thing up I want to see the little pigs and get some cotton candy.” The Ferris Wheel started back up and we went down. We got out and walked over to the candy vendor, Azure and the others got there candy and we went over to spend the rest of our time with the animals. Azure wanted to adopt one of the pigs, but I talked her out of it pointing out that fact that Shefu would eat it the second she saw it. I let Azure drive us home. Sandy left on her own, but I knew where she was staying. We went to my house and went swimming for a bit until Azure’s ride showed up. I saw her to her car and she went home. I pulled out my simple silver bracelet and placed it on my wrist. I touched it with my free hand and began talking.
    “ So I hope you are wearing it. Azure just place your hand on it to talk with me. Better than a cell phone any day trust me.”
    “ Drake this is so cool now we can chat at night I do not think you have a phone at that house do you?”
    “ No I believe you are right on that call pardon the pun. I use my telepathy to communicate with everyone here and so does everyone else it is far safer for us than a phone.”
    “ I like this it is like I hear you in my mind Drake.”
    I smiled , “That is because you do the watch connects the audio to your mind that way it is completely private but you can switch it to the speaker any time but I hope you do not. I love to whisper into your ear at night you should try and find some music to play with it at school. Most people will think the stones are fake but they are real.”
    “ Yes I know they come from one of the moons around my planet if I recall. That was nice of you to use them Drake, but why that color if you do not mind me asking?”
    “ Your eyes the first time I saw you. I went inside and took a seat by a nearby fireplace the flames fresh and hot. I have loved your orange eyes from the moment I noticed them on the first day of school.”
    “ That is why, my eyes, you like my eyes.”
    “ Yes every person has a favorite thing they like about someone and for me it is the eyes to borrow a saying the eyes are the windows to the soul if you ask me Azure. And yours burn like a red hot sun. What do you like most about me Azure?”
    “ Um I would have to say your easy going attitude but you can get quite serious when you need to be, but most of the time you are never worried you just act calm and collected.”
    “ Then that is good for you that you cannot feel how I feel when I worry about you sometimes and what the future might hold for both of us. I want to tell you Azure Star that I, Drake Sarges, love you and nothing can change that now. Stop sitting in that car and go inside the house we will speak soon.”
    “ Goodnight Drake I love you too, always, and I will even though it is cold out here.”
    I let go of the bracelet and went to my room alone it seemed that the government was trying to hack my computer network I had hooked up to the satellite network I had made with one of my communication companies. I typed in a few commands that launched a spyware and control program that would infect there computers and feed me info and them false info. I read what they had on me and saw that is was a bunch of nonsense. Well mostly, but now I controlled their actions and sent an order to make sure that they left Azure alone and deleted everything they had on her pictures and all. I set up a program that would delete any pictures with her or my other friend in them and corrupt any data source that tried to upload them so say bye to your digital cameras as well.
    I got off of my computer and went into my lab to

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