They Were Born Upon Ashes
hard then we will be out here for a year before you lift that rock.”
    “This is anti-climactic,” said Dani.
    “Shh, total silence now,” said Andrew.
    Nick studied the rock. He looked at it from every angle. He then closed his eyes and took his mind to the place he would always go when he meditated. He sat there on a grassy green hill, a blooming tree next to him, and a flowing blue river below him. After he was in this state he was able to clear his mind of everything. There were no thoughts and no images.
    Dani and Andrew looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders after ten minutes of Nick standing completely still. He did not sway his arms in the slightest.
    Nick could not even hear the busyness that resided in the forest. He did not feel the cold breeze as it flew past the three companions. He was quite simply in another state of being.
    Then all of the sudden it came flooding back to him. He was there hanging on the side of the mountain. He heard a crack and looked up to find the tumbling avalanche of sharp edged rocks. He put his right hand up and instantaneously stopped the perilous rocks from landing upon him.
    Andrew and Dani watched Nick as he did not flinch or move his muscles an inch in any direction. They saw a man completely frozen in place and the rock in his hand levitate and stay suspended in the air.
    “Remarkable, Nick, truly,” said Andrew.
    Nick’s eyes jolted open and the rock fell back down onto his open palm.
    “You are quite the gifted individual, Nick,” said Andrew.
    “Well thank you, but I’m only doing what you’re teaching me.”
    “Yes, I understand that, but you are the fastest pupil I have ever seen to accomplish what you just did. Did you feel the power flow through you?”
    “I did,” said Nick. “It almost felt like my palm extended with the rock. But I know my hand stayed rested in the same place.”
    “Yes, yes, that is exactly how it feels,” said Andrew. “No matter how close, far, small, or big the object is, the feeling is always the same. However, the weight of the object and its size will determine whether or not you will be able to control the object. Everyone has their own limits depending on their own strength. For example, realistically, no one can control a massive tree. Now give it another shot with the rock, Nick.”
    Time after time Nick was able to successfully levitate the rock. He could soon move it further and closer in space as his mind commanded. A simple flick of his wrist resulted in the rock moving either left or right depending upon his actions.
    Andrew had few instructions to give to Nick after a little while. He would rather watched Nick explore his new power. It was fascinating to Andrew that Nick could get the hang of the power so quickly. Andrew knew that controlling objects was the easiest of a supreme to learn, though he still had great promise for Nick in the coming days.
    The hour became late and the three called it a night. They began the short walk back into camp through the thick forest.
    When they reached the camp Nick realized just how late it really was. Most of the camp were already fast asleep. They stepped out of the forest and were at the back end of the camp. Everyone was in front of them. Nick looked back at the barren and dark dirt road that stretched down as far as his eyes cold see.
    Andrew patted Nick on the shoulder and said, “Good first day, boy. Tomorrow will be even better.”
    He walked off with Dani.
    Nick simply stood there and appreciated the silence. He appreciated the cold breeze in the night. But most importantly he smiled at the sweet gift of life.
    “Hey, you.”
    Nick heard the voice of a girl from a nearby fire pit. He walked over and soon recognized who it was.
    “Elizabeth, from Castle Teon,” said Nick. “I’m glad you are part of this group.”
    “Of course, I am,” said Elizabeth. “There is no way I could live in such of a cold and hostile place those men imposed upon the great

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