The Bachelor and the Beauty Queen

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Book: The Bachelor and the Beauty Queen by Carolyn Hector Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Hector
the way when she added something new to his pot and back into the empty space.
    The spiced shrimp took no time to cook and in her haste to get out of the kitchen, Lexi reached for the handle of the pan to pour everything into a serving dish behind her. She’d underestimated the weight of the pan and her wrists weakened. Stephen anticipated her misstep and swooshed right behind her, wrapping her in his arms and his hands over hers.
    â€œHere, let me help,” he whispered in her ear.
    Lexi gulped and watched the shrimp fall into its bath of butter. She sprinkled parsley flakes over the edge of the pan, prolonging her time in Stephen’s arms. How long had it been since a man held her? A little voice in her head reminded her that this was not being held. Stephen was helping her. The beating of her heart drowned out common sense. It took all her strength not to reach up and behind her to stroke the back of his head and neck. His lips were so close to her ears; if she turned, they might kiss. Beneath the fabric of his shirt she felt the hard muscles of his chest and abs. A bit lower and she felt the unmistakable swell of a hard erection beginning to grow. So she wasn’t alone in this attraction?
    The sliding glass door opening from the patio interrupted Lexi’s wanton thoughts. Stephen took the empty pan and set it in the sink. “Miss Lexi,” Kimber called out, “this is not a pitcher. This is a bucket.” She hauled the container of brewed tea into the dinette area and turned around. “Cute apron, Uncle Stephen.”
    Stephen glanced down and Lexi covered her mouth to keep from laughing. “Keep Calm and Sparkle On. Nice.”
    â€œSorry, I just reached for the first one.” Lexi extended her arm. “I’ll give you another.”
    Stephen grasped the counter behind him for support. “I’m good.”
    Her eyes traveled to the lower half of the apron and decided he was right. The little voice in the back of her mind spoke out again, this time reminding her of what a long summer this was going to be.

Chapter 5
    â€œW hy did you bother with the condo if you’re going to sleep here?”
    At the sound of the cheerful, deep voice, Lexi glanced up from the dish in front of her and gave Andrew a wink before layering the last vanilla wafer on top of the instant banana-pudding mixture. She’d gotten up this morning, took the risk of flat-ironing her long tresses in this summer heat and dressed casually in a pair of denim jeans and a white Grits and Glam Gowns shirt. “I got caught up making a dress last night.”
    â€œPerhaps a wedding dress inspired by my boo?”
    Lexi responded with an eye roll. In truth, the inspiration had come from seeing Kimber standing against the balcony door with the vibrant colors of the afternoon sun behind her. After everyone left last night, Lexi grabbed the spools of red, orange and yellow, and began blindly putting together a dress. She hadn’t been so excited to start on a dress in years. Andrew propped himself up at the bar stool and watched. “Why are you baking?”
    â€œIs it considered baking when you never turned on the oven?”
    â€œWhat would Mary Pendergrass say?” Andrew clutched his throat.
    â€œConsidering she’s not speaking to me,” Lexi joked, “not a thing.”
    With a heavy sigh, Andrew rested his chin in his hands and propped his elbows on the counter. “If my Southern Baptist preacher daddy can get over me giving up my chance to play in the NFL to design dresses, then your folks can get over this whatever thing.”
    â€œThis, whatever—” she sighed and held her fingers up in air quotes “—has been going on for years ever since I opted to attend a state college.”
    â€œAw,” Andrew cooed. “You poor baby. Tell me again how you were cut off from Mommy and Daddy’s money, thus forcing you to model to make your own

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