Count on Me (Bayview Heights Trilogy)
carefully and made notes during our discussion last week. I tried to match your interests, your talents and particularly your goals in life with the positions we have open. In some ways I’ve mimicked the shadowing program you have at school.”
    The shadowing program was a project where students paired up with adults who worked in a profession the teenagers thought they might want to pursue; it had been implemented by Zoe and Linc McKenna. A slight smile breached Zoe’s lips at the reference.
    “Let’s start alphabetically. By the way, if you disagree with your placement, I’ll change it.” Tongue-in- cheek, he added, “We wouldn’t want any unhappy workers here.” He sat on the desk, and made eye contact with each girl. All of them, except Erica, shifted uncomfortably.
    “Dan Caruso. I’ve put you in the nursery. You expressed an interest in working with little kids, and since we’ve got an area set up for patients’ children and pediatric patients who are waiting to be seen, I thought you might like that.”
    “Yeah, I would,” Dan said casually, but the shine in the boy’s eyes told Kurt he’d made the right choice.
    One down.
    “Ashley Emerson.” He smiled at the girl and she smiled back weakly. Kurt had noticed she’d come late and looked rather pale, despite her cheerful pink sweater and slacks. “Planned Parenthood. With Max Johnson. You indicated a desire to work with teens on life choices.”
    Ashley went paler, nodded, then shared a worried glance with Rachel.
    “Shondra and Erica, you’ll work in the medical facility. Shondra, as you expressed an interest in studying medicine, you’ll work with the new doctor, Abraham Frank, when he comes. Erica, you’ll be with me in administration.” He smiled. “Both of you will help out John Battaglia.”
    Erica’s face flushed. “I don’t want that.”
    “You don’t want to work with John?”
    “I don’t want to work with you.”
    Shondra kicked her under the table.
    “All right, Erica. Stay after everyone leaves. We’ll discuss this.”
    He read the other placements by rote, his mind whirling. He hoped he hadn’t made a mistake with the Case girl. He didn’t think he had; he trusted his professional instincts. It was his personal instincts that weren’t worth a whole lot these days.
    He finished with the students. Julia would work with Louise and Linc, the psychologists; Rachel Thompson, who wanted to be a nurse, and Shelley Marco, who was going into sports training, would help out Diane.
    “Of course time frames and hours will vary—I’m leaving you to schedule that with your respective ‘bosses.’” He glanced at the clock. “Why don’t you go find them and see what they have in mind for what you’ll do and when you’ll start.” He smiled warmly at Erica. “Stay with me, Erica. Shondra, you can meet with John in my office.”
    Slowly everyone but Zoe and Erica filed out.
    Zoe stood. “I’d like to talk to Erica first.”
    Kurt shook his head. “You’ve already talked to Erica. I think it’s time she and I had a little chat.” He took in the girl’s stony features, tight lips. “Alone.”
    One of the Zoe’s eyebrows shot up. “I don’t think—”
    “I want to talk to him alone.”
    Zoe shifted her gaze. “Erica, we discussed this.”
    “I’ll be polite. But you taught us to express our opinions. I want to do that.” She raked Kurt with an adult glare. “Alone.”
    Glancing from Kurt to Erica, Zoe shrugged, squeezed the girl’s arm and left with, “I’ll be right outside.”
    Kurt studied Erica as she scrutinized him. In an arena, they’d be circling each other, figuring out how to go for the jugular. But he’d taken an oath to heal, not hurt, and he’d already planned this encounter. He began without preamble. “I assigned you to work with me primarily because it will help you in the college-application process. Clinic-administration experience will look good on your résumé.”
    The girl swallowed

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