Moons' Dreaming (Children of the Rock)

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Book: Moons' Dreaming (Children of the Rock) by Susan Sizemore, Marguerite Krause Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Sizemore, Marguerite Krause
nearest the stable scattered as a horse and rider burst into the open. Pirse was astride Captain Cratt ’ s huge roan. Sword in his hand, the prince gave a wordless yell and kicked the mare toward the gate.
    Two guards sprang forward to close the courtyard doors, but they were too slow. One was knocked aside by the horse ’ s shoulder. The other would have been trampled outright had the animal not given a small leap as she knocked him down. Then Pirse was gone, no more than a shadow bending low over the horse ’ s neck.
    Palle screamed, “ After him! ”
    More guards came streaming out of the barracks, aroused by the commotion. Cratt ’ s second-in-command, Onarga, ran toward him. “ A full patrol, sir? ” she asked.
    “ Yes, yes! And saddle my horse. ”
    Onarga was not very imaginative, but she was well disciplined. Within a few moments, a groom had brought out Palle ’ s horse, and an armed and mounted troop was assembled in front of the gate.
    Palle swung into his saddle. “ Corporal Onarga, you will remain here, in command of the castle, until I return. ”
    “ Captain Cratt? ”
    “ Inside, ” Palle snapped. “ Prostrated with grief. I do not have time to wait for him to recover. I want riders sent out in all directions. They are to inform every village of Prince Pirse ’ s betrayal. Send special messengers to Kings Hion and Sene with the same news. Due to the tragic circumstances, I must assume responsibility for ruling Dherrica. ”
    Onarga listened to his orders with a concerned frown. “ Sir? Wouldn ’ t it be safer for you to stay here? ”
    “ Do not delay me with foolish questions! ” Palle could not argue with her, because she was right. The last thing he wanted to do was ride in pursuit of Pirse. However, he had no choice. If Pirse surrendered peacefully and started proclaiming his innocence, there were too many people who might be inclined to believe him. Only by leading the hunt could Palle be sure that his nephew would be killed trying to evade capture. Palle needed Pirse dead. Then no one would question Palle ’ s right to be king, or wonder if Dea ’ s wounds could have been caused by something other than a dragon sword.
    “ Dispatch the messengers, ” Palle continued relentlessly, “ then see that all of the Queen ’ s councilors are made aware of what has happened. One of them can deal with my sister ’ s body. ”
    Palle signaled the guards and spurred his horse forward. Although his nephew had a few minutes ’ lead, it wouldn ’ t be difficult to find him. The sight of Prince Pirse galloping madly through the night would arouse enough curiosity to insure an easy trail. Besides, Palle knew of only two places he might go. Depending on his frame of mind, Pirse could head toward Rhenlan, intent on revenge against Hion. Of course, crossing the border was out of the question, and within a day all of Dherrica would be turned against him. Therefore, if the boy was thinking clearly, he ’ d take the road toward the one place where no troop of guards could easily follow — into the northern jungles.
    Palle sent two of the swiftest riders ahead of the main body of the troop. They would close the gap separating them from the prince, and likely discover his intentions within a few miles.
    After that, all they had to do was catch up with him.
    * * *
    One nineday after Princess Emlie ’ s execution passed, and then another. Dael personally escorted the Dherrican messenger to the king ’ s audience chamber, and stood by as Hion received the news of Dea ’ s tragic death at the hands of her mad son. Palle ’ s first act as King of Dherrica was to gift the contested river valley and forest to Rhenlan. Dael accompanied Damon on a tour of the border region, a show of strength and promise of protection for the battle-weary populace.
    Vray did not return. No one spoke of her at court, and few in Edian itself gave a second thought to her absence. On the rare occasions that Dael heard her name

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