Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4)

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Book: Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4) by Krystal Shannan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan
Tags: paranormal romance
ties holding her robe closed.
    “No, Nicole.” He grabbed the towel from the floor and stood, wrapping it quickly around his errant dick. “If I want to continue breathing for any length of time, we can’t let the bond progress any further. As much as it pains me not to ravish you right here and now, I can’t betray my sister and leave her to rot in that cage.”
    “Kate is coming. I know it. Siobhan will make sure of it.”
    “I don’t know why you think one woman can make such a difference. You’ve seen Carlotta. The rest of the lower Council is just as bad. The Originals haven’t been around in centuries. No one cares anymore, Nicole. These royal families run everything. What can one woman really do?”
    A tap at the door silenced them both. He held his breath and turned toward her bedroom door.
    “Miss Demakis, I brought some clothes for Aaron. Is he still with you?” Tempe’s voice was barely over a whisper.
    A few strides brought him to the closed door. He opened it and pulled Tempe inside, holding the bath towel firmly in place around his waist with his other hand.
    She gave him a frown. “Aaron, you know better than this,” she hissed and shoved a folded stack of clothing at his chest. “The bond between you two is growing stronger. Carlotta and Reginald will kill you, or worse, if they notice. What about your sister?”
    “What about your husband, Tempe? Should we all just exist in misery when there’s a chance we could get everyone out of those cages?”  
    “Where did that come from?” his leopard asked.  
    He’d said again and again he wouldn’t do anything. Risking Sasha’s life wasn’t a choice. I don’t know, but there has to be something I can do.
    Tempe’s eyebrows raised, curiosity piqued. “How?”
    “I’m not sure, yet.”
    Tempe frowned, but didn’t reply.
    “So you’re going to help me?” Nicole whispered from across the room.
    He turned. Her shoulders slumped as she sat slowly on the bench at the foot of the bed. Tears ran down her cheeks.
    The hushed sobs confused him. This was what she wanted. She wanted to leave and get as far away from her grandparents as she could.
    She wanted him ... didn’t she?
    “I’m going to find a way to get you out of here, Nicole. If Kate can help the prisoners, we can all escape this prison. Maybe, just maybe, we can be together then.”
    Nicole shook her head. “That’s not enough. We can’t just run. They’ll just come after me again … or worse, my sisters. I can’t run and hide and pass this cursed fate on to them.”
    “But ... isn’t that why you ran earlier?” Tempe asked.
    “I wasn’t leaving. My wolf needed to run. No one ever shifts around here. I was going crazy.” She glared at him and Tempe. “When was the last time either of you shifted?”
    “A year.” Tempe sighed. “Maybe longer.”
    Nicole gasped, shaking her head.
    He met Nicole’s gaze and nodded. “The last time I shifted was in the forest outside of Woodhaven. The royals consider our animal side weak. They embrace the supernatural strength and long life that comes with being a shifter, but they shun the soul within.”
    “Well I don’t shun my wolf and I won’t start now.”
    “So you’re just going to keep rebelling and getting your guards executed? Like Henrick was today?” Tempe snarled.
    “It’s not her fault,” he snapped back, but Tempe rushed from the room and slammed the door behind her. Aaron cringed. Every guard on the floor would be coming to investigate. He dropped the towel and pulled on the pants and shirt Tempe had brought. “I have to go, Nicole. Get some rest. We’ll talk more in the morning."
    One last glance was all he allowed himself—the curve of her lips, the spark in her eyes, the shine of her long blonde hair. She sat quietly at the foot of the giant bed, staring back at him with a desire burning in her gaze he wouldn’t be able to resist if he didn’t get out quickly. Every instinct and reflex wanted to take

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