Rooster: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Book: Rooster: A Secret Baby Sports Romance by Abbey Foxx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbey Foxx
into the mix as well as some child support money? I certainly wouldn’t complain at that.
    “I think it’s pretty ballsy to do what you did”, he says.
    “What did I do?” I ask.
    “Well, what we did in the first place not many girls would do, and now this, you waiting for me after the game. That’s pretty progressive.”
    “I believe in equal rights”, I say.
    “I don’t doubt it.”
    Bigger than Brad in every respect, better than any I’ve ever had before and here he is again, sat across from me in a nothing bar in the center of my city. Sexual tension so thick you’d struggle to break through it with a jack-hammer. If I tell him about his son, maybe he’ll not want to fuck me at all
    “I’ve been inside for a year, what’s your excuse?”, he says. “As good as I am, I can’t believe you waited for me to come back here, on the off chance I might have been offered a contract in a completely different sport to my own.”
    “You’re not the only one who’s surprised to see you here”, I say.
    “You saw the army of fans outside the stadium?”
    “I saw a bunch of kids waiting for Kowalski to come out”, I joke.
    Rory can’t help but laugh at that, and his laugh makes me smile too.
    “Kowalski’s such a dick. He told me that what I was playing wasn’t ice hockey”, Rory says.
    “He has a point”, I say.
    “We still won.”
    “The crowd seemed to like it”, I offer.
    “Those fifty-odd kids?” Rory jokes.
    “Everyone’s got to start somewhere.”
    “So how come you’re into it? Or did you just come to see me play?” he asks.
    “I’m an official season ticket holder.”
    And I realize exactly what that means as soon as I say it.
    “My number one fan”, Rory says, a huge smile across his face.
    “Let’s not go that far.”
    “So this is going to be a regular thing then?” he asks.
    Rory leans back into his seat, massive arms crossed over one another, tattoos snaking across the skin, a wide cat that got the cream smile plastered across his face.
    “Depends on how well we get on”, I say.
    “Maybe you’d prefer a pint with Kowalski, he seems like a really interesting guy.”
    “Anyone but Kowalski.”
    “I still can’t believe you are here”, he says.
    “You are the one who shouldn’t be, remember”, I point out.
    “I had no choice.”
    “If that was your defense, I’m not surprised they sent you away.”
    Rory gives me a look that suggests I may be crossing the line, but also that if I am, he actually quite likes it.
    “I’m getting another pint”, he says, by way of avoiding the subject, which gives me a perfect opportunity to look a little bit more closely at his assets, before he returns to the table. I’ve never been an easy lay, but I’ve never met anyone like Rory before either. If I’m a real girl, then Rory is definitely a real man x 10 ™ .
    “I might have had no choice too, if they offered me a million dollars”, I say.
    “Now I know why you’ve come to find me”, he says.
    “I’m not that shallow”, I lie.
    “And I haven’t been paid yet anyway, so even if you were you’d have to wait.”
    “Don’t worry, I didn’t come here to steal your money”, I say.
    “Good, because I need it to challenge my ban”, Rory says.
    “Hurling means that much to you, huh?”
    “As much as ice hockey does to Kowalski”, he says.
    “It must be hard not playing it then. I can’t imagine being told I’m not allowed to do something I love.”
    “Like you wouldn’t believe. It’s like ripping a child away from its mother.”
    Suddenly my heart stops, and my skin goes cold.
    “What happened?” I ask quickly, keen not to make it look like something has affected me.
    “I got banned for violent conduct, he says.
    “How come that doesn’t surprise me?”
    “It’s part of the game.”
    “If it’s part of the game, how come they banned you?” I ask.
    “Because it didn’t take part on the field.”
    “Oh”, I say.
    Rory gulps his drink down.

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