Legends of Marithia: Book 2 - Darkness Rising

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Book: Legends of Marithia: Book 2 - Darkness Rising by Peter Koevari Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Koevari
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, vampire, demons, Elves, prophecy
were silenced
and his body broke into severed pieces.
    The other man, realising that he had
no chance to defeat this beast, foolishly attempted to outrun it.
He sprinted toward the circle of Skeleton Warriors. The ground
below his feet shook violently with the force of the beast in
pursuit and a large cloud of dust built up behind the
    Before he had a chance to reach the
edge of the arena, the beast had already caught up to him. Picking
him up in its claw, a heavy crunch was heard as it split the man’s
body into two at his hips. His screams filled the air to the
delight of the surrounding Skeleton Warriors who shrieked with
support for their beast. The scorpion’s tail brought the man’s pain
to an end by crashing through his skull.
    The dark army erupted in celebration
by banging their swords against their armour.
    “ The spectacle is over,
return to your duties,” Shindar commanded.
    Shindar ended the spell and turned to
meet Kassina’s wide, admiring eyes as his own returned to normal.
The beast immediately disintegrated into a pile of dust on the
    “ Kassina, some spells only
last for as long as we are strong enough to devote ourselves to
them. You see now, we have much more to study together. You are yet
to discover your full potential.”

Chapter 8 : By the
    “ I seek knowledge of who I
am, where I came from, and why I am here.
    I love Aldorus dearly, but what are we
without purpose?
    Destiny is calling to me and I believe
with all my heart that I am meant for something greater than what I
am now.”
    (Anakari - Sorceress)
    Fang Cliffs, aptly named, were located
on the Far East side of the island, in between two of Trahoterra’s
many ‘claws’. They featured incredibly detailed carvings of
dragon’s heads that appeared as if they were poking out from within
the island’s walls. They were a breathtaking sight to behold, said
to be carved by the ancients out of a sheer rock-face, shooting up
vertically out of the ocean, as a monument of their
    The carving’s teeth were formed from
immense crystals that served as beacons for dragons in flight;
another entry to the caverns was hidden beneath them.
    Vartan stood tall on the edge of the
cliffs, admiring the view before him. The long, apple green blades
of grass whipped around his and Trisa’s legs by the powerful, yet
caressing winds. Sunlight sparkled on the seemingly endless bed of
ocean below, shining as if gems lay just below the waterline for as
far as the eye could see.
    “ Now I know why Finn called
this view, Pirate’s Bay. It’s as if the plunder of fallen ships lay
on the sea bed,” observed Vartan, turning to Trisa. “I never got to
see these on my first visit to Trahoterra, or any of the wonders
outside the caverns. Karven was so focused on training that I spent
all of my time underground, growing paler by the day from lack of
sunlight. If he were here, he would likely be giving me a lecture
about responsibility right now.”
    Vartan turned back to the magnificent
    “ Probably, but don’t worry
too much about that. If Karven returns whilst we are here, I do
have a good reason for this trip. I wanted to take you to the
Weeping Falls, which are only a short walk from here. If you swim
in the falls, I expect you to be strengthened by it,” said
    Finn flew from below to land on the
nearest of the ten carved heads, stretching out his wings and
casually asking, “Where are we off to now, brother?”
    “ To the Weeping Falls, I
think I need to have a swim,” laughed Vartan.
    Finn jerked his head around
to glare at his brother, cocking his head in disapproval and
snapped, “A swim in the falls is forbidden, Karven would have
a fit if he found
    “ Calm down Finn. Karven was
the one who suggested the swim, so I’m sure that it will not be a
problem,” responded Trisa before turning south toward the
    She is telling the truth,
although there is of course the other small,

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