Shattered Destiny

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Book: Shattered Destiny by Shay West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shay West
deep-seated this loathing was.”
    “There is no need to apologize, old friend. Our Chosen are very different, and they must accept their differences and find a way to work together,” Brok said as he blew a smoke ring.
    “The actions of my Chosen cause little Gwen so much pain. It makes me feel guilty, as if I have somehow failed in training them properly.”
    Brok snorted. “I do not think any extra training on your part could have prepared them for this. And how could you have known?”
    Gerok chuckled. “That girl has amazing strength. And I don't just mean in this magic power your Chosen possess.”
    “She does indeed. That is one of her gifts.”
    Gerok sighed. “I only hope that Kyron will come to his senses and at least pretend that he doesn't mind her frail physical form. Otherwise, this is going to be a miserable journey.”
    “I am sure things will work out. Fate has chosen her crew wisely. She does not make mistakes,” Brok said.
    “Except in allowing one of the Chosen to be killed prematurely.” Gerok could not imagine the terrible loss that Forka must be feeling. And the guilt that must gnaw at him.
    I'm glad all of my Chosen are still alive.
    Brok frowned. “I have been thinking about that. Fate chose the players, but I'm not sure this meant they would be protected from all harm. The prophecies never alluded to the Chosen being invincible. Only that they were supposed to fight the Mekan threat. Or it is possible that the death of the Earth Chosen was supposed to happen? Bah!” Brok tapped out his pipe. “It is impossible to determine if her death was preordained or just a terrible accident. But either way, this changes nothing about what we must do.”
    Both men stood and enjoyed a long stretch before heading back into the abandoned farm house. The Chosen had already situated themselves around the hearth and were settling down for bed.
    “We leave at first light. We will reach Oak Brook tomorrow,” Brok said.

    THE CHOSEN AND THEIR GUARDIANS made their way to the village of Heart Stone. They had found Oak Brook abandoned, silent as a tomb. There was no sign of fighting and no sign of anyone dead. Farm animals wandered about the village green, munching contentedly on the now short-cropped grass.
    Brok had been unable to stop Keera from rushing to her family's home, tears of worry and fear falling down her freckled cheeks. Gwen had followed as quickly as her stunted legs could carry her. She'd wanted to be there for her friend if Keera found something horrid waiting for her inside her home.
    But there was nothing except a thick layer of dust.
    The Volgons found more tracks that led in the direction of the Shadow Mountains. Against his better judgment, Brok agreed to travel to Heart Stone in the hopes that there would be more clues, or better yet, actual people to tell him what in the seven hells was going on.
    The group spent a restless night in the abandoned village and set out early the next day for Heart Stone. When they drew near, Brok signaled for everyone to stop where they were. He moved ahead of the group and stood silent and still, senses reaching out for any signsof life.
    He found none.
    He gestured to Gerok, who trotted silently to Brok's side. His eyes roamed the countryside, alert for movement or the slightest sound that would indicate that there was someone, or something, moving about.
    “I wish to get a look at the village before allowing the Chosen to come further. I can't put my finger on it, but something is very wrong,” Brok said, bushy white brows furrowed in worry.
    Gerok nodded. He had also been aware of a feeling, a sensation that tickled at the back of his neck, as if a voice were whispering just out of range of hearing.
    The two men made their way through the tall grasses and stands of cottonwoods and aspens, stopping every few moments to gaze at their surroundings, alert to danger. The impending feeling of doom got stronger as the two men got

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