CHILDHUNT: A Mystery & Suspense Thriller in the Bestselling Diana Rivers Series (The Diana Rivers Mysteries Book 5)

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Book: CHILDHUNT: A Mystery & Suspense Thriller in the Bestselling Diana Rivers Series (The Diana Rivers Mysteries Book 5) by Faith Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faith Mortimer
    Diana looked doubtful as she walked over to the window and looked out over their snowy landscape. “You’re probably right. What time are we to pick Poppy up from Lydia’s?”
    Steve looked at his watch. “In about half an hour, I said.”
    “I’ll go as soon as I’ve finished my tea, then. I don’t want to leave it too late, just in case.”
    “Are you sure? I don’t mind going.”
    Diana smiled as she confirmed her statement. “Yes. I’ve finished for the day, and I need some air. Actually, I’ve decided to have a few days’ rest from writing and plan to do nothing except enjoy Christmas…even with your mother here.” She laughed to show Steve she was joking.  “As soon as I get home, we’ll finish wrapping up the last of the presents and enjoy a glass or two of wine. In fact, have we any bubbly in the fridge? It’ll get us in the festive mood. I’m looking forward to seeing Clare and Adam.”
    Steve passed her a cup of tea and joined her at the window. “So am I, and yes, there’s a couple of bottles already chilled.” He paused, and then continued. “Will you feel a bit odd? Seeing them together as a couple I mean?”
    She gave Steve a cheeky grin. “Not really. Clare’s welcome to him. Adam is jolly hard work, and if anyone can keep him under control she can.”
    Diana drove her car at a sedate pace along the snowy road up towards the village. She passed Roger’s house; it looked snug and welcoming with a couple of lamps glowing in his sitting room. As she neared Debbie and William’s home, she noticed tyre tracks in the thin snow and nearer the house, flashing lights, which filled the gloomy skies. Curious and ignoring her own designated route, she turned off onto their lane.
    She drove through the fruit trees, and as she turned the bend, she was puzzled to see a police car parked outside the Frosts’ house.
    “Oh no,” she whispered as she sat in the car watching. “I wonder what’s happened.” A curious feeling stole over her as she sat there. It was as if she was being observed. She turned her head and peered through the trees. There was nothing moving but falling snow and branches waving in the wind.
    Clare and Adam were lying entwined in each other’s arms with the bedclothes heaped over them. Clare knew Adam was fast asleep because every now and then she heard a faint snore from his direction. She wondered why she had suddenly awoken with a jerk. She had been in a deep sleep herself, no doubt due to their early morning flight that day, and she had succumbed to the soft bed and Adam’s advances without any fuss two hours before. Without waking Adam, she gently moved his arm from across her chest, pushed the covers from her shoulders and sat up. The room was freezing, despite the hot air blower chugging away in the corner. Clare picked her towelling robe up from the floor, thrust her feet into slippers and walked to the window. The glass was wet with condensation, which she wiped away with her sleeve. It was still light, but the dark grey clouds made it feel like it was much later in the day. Across the valley from the village, she could see some houses already had lights on. The twinkling lights and falling snow should have added to the Christmassy feelings she felt back in England.
    While watching from the window, she noticed a car making its way along one of the roads which snaked along the valley. She saw the car’s lights dip and bounce around and guessed the road was an unmade lane. As her gaze shifted, Clare suddenly realised there was some activity around one of the houses; white lights and a blue strobe flashed into the sky.
    Clare felt a sudden heat fill her body. It hit her like a tongue of fire leaping from a flame-thrower, searing into her heart and brain. She shook and gasped as the pain went through her. She could sense vague voices in her mind…a feeling of two people being involved. She sensed dirt and cold and a feeling of being lost

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