American Romantic

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Book: American Romantic by Ward Just Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ward Just
    I understand, Harry said.
    Go in a skeptic, stay a skeptic. Look on it as a visit to an especially disagreeable lawyer whom you might learn something from. How’s your memory?
    Good, Harry said. I have more memory than is good for me, to tell you the truth. More than I need sometimes.
    The ambassador offered a wisp of a smile. He said, This will probably come to nothing. The track record with these people is pretty dismal.
    On the other hand, Harry began.
    Maybe not. Maybe they see an advantage. They initiated this after all. It’s their play. The iron does seem to be hot. When it’s hot, it’s time to cook. At any event, clear your desk. You leave tomorrow.
    Where exactly?
    South to the mangrove swamps, their turf. You begin in one of the southern market towns. My driver will take you there. You will be met, and from then you’re on your own. I wish I were younger, I wouldn’t mind this assignment. It might actually lead to something important. It might be the first step out of this god damned mess. The ambassador slapped his hand on his desk and stood up. Harry stood also. The meeting was at an end.
    This could be dangerous, the ambassador said.
    As you say, Ambassador: No risk, no reward.
    That’s the spirit, Harry. I do wish we knew more about them. I mean their command and control. Personalities and names and backgrounds to go with the personalities. The man you meet could be a country lout or an honors grad from the Sorbonne. Odd, isn’t it? We’ve been here for some time and they’re still mysterious. We’re an open book. They know our order of battle down to battalion level, names and capabilities. They know my grandfather was a jailbird, for chrissakes. They probably have a dossier on you. By the way, who’s Sieglinde?
    Harry was startled. Sieglinde?
    Yes, Sieglinde.
    A friend. She’s gone away now on her hospital ship. Back to Hamburg.
    Don’t look so surprised. We keep track of our people. Part of the job. This is an unstable environment, in case you haven’t noticed. The ambassador stepped to the door, and when he spoke his voice was soft. I’ve saved the most important business for last. This operation is classified top secret. If it leaks, it’s scandal time. The idea of treating with an enemy as disorganized as this one is a no-go in Congress and elsewhere. There would be a firestorm that could threaten this effort for good. The Secretary and I are out on a limb. Of course we have the president’s backing. We’re not rogue elephants, although I’m not entirely confident, if worst came to worst, we wouldn’t be left drifting in the wind. I cannot stress enough the need for absolute discretion for this moment of consequence. You are to say nothing to anyone. If anyone asks about you, they’ll be told you’re on leave. You’ve wanted some leave and are owed some leave and in a few days you’ll be back at your desk, as always. Questions?
    None, Harry said.
    Good at keeping secrets?
    Always have been, Harry said.
    Yes, that’s your reputation.
    Need-to-know, Harry said.
    Need-to-know, the ambassador replied. And no one does.
    The press would go crazy, Harry said.
    Yes, they would. They don’t like us, you know.
    I’m not sure they understand what it is that we do. Actually.
    They’re addicted to fracas, the ambassador said, opening his office door. He put out his hand and said, Good luck. He added a few more details about the rendezvous in the south, recognition procedures, a timeline. The ambassador suggested that Harry travel light and, obviously, unarmed. This kind of work, a weapon doesn’t mean much. Theoretically you are their guest. They promised safe passage; we take them at their word. And for your journey I want you to have this. The ambassador reached into his pocket and took out a flat round case the size of a fifty-cent piece. The case was gold, the ambassador’s initials on

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