Bernie and the other three discussed their initial course of action for the first hour and felt satisfied with their plans. They went on to the next subject.
“Gentlemen, I’ve hired a new person. Due to the nature of her job, she will be considered top tier, one of us. Our square is becoming a pentagon. That sounds great, doesn’t it?” Bernie said. John and Jerome nodded and did not say anything. Ben looked over at them and back at Bernie.
“So what is this person doing with us? Is she recruiting the homemaker demographic?” Ben asked in a joking yet sarcastic tone.
“She is our new bookkeeper. She will help us with the numbers,” Bernie answered. Ben’s face changed from amused to concerned.
“But I do the numbers. You and I, we do the numbers. Things are fine the way they are. I don’t see any reason we need another body here,” Ben said.
Bernie explained that since Benjamin and the others were spending more time out on the field these days, they were no longer watching the books or keeping an eye out as closely as they had been before. Bernie referred to Ben by his full first name, Benjamin, when he became annoyed with him. Bernie added that he needed someone there to pick up phones, take messages, and make sure that everything was in order back at the office. Bernie made a point to note that their paperwork and bookkeeping were a mess. Their office had been bare bones since day one, and he felt that it was time to grow a little. When everyone left, the rooms werelocked. That left the place vulnerable to burglary and vandalism. Rivalries were becoming tenser between Chimera and other crime families, Bernie told his crew.
“So we are hiring Batgirl or some shit like that? How is she protecting the office?” Ben asked.
“Benjamin…we will move three of our workers to office security, and they will get training. She will be protected. I would not put a lady in danger,” Bernie answered.
“Is she hot? Like, is she a hot blonde?” Ben asked. He looked over at John and Jerome. “You two are too quiet. Usually we can’t shut you two up when it comes to chicks.”
Bernie interrupted him. “I’m approving the revised budget for this. I think all of our increased productivity supports it.”
The door buzzer rang, and they saw that Celia had arrived at Chimera, thirty minutes early. She wanted to make a good impression on her new employers. Jerome got up and checked out the new arrival from the window. He went to bring her in. As he greeted her at the door, he asked her, “Are you ready, family?”
Celia answered, “As ready as I’ll ever be.” When they both walked in, John said hi to her. Celia looked at him and nodded. Ben turned around and looked at her. He also said hi to her.
“I’ve seen you before,” Ben added. Jerome informed Ben that he had indeed met her before at the Playboy Club. “Oh,” Ben said, drawing out the word. He looked over at John. “John’s lady friend. Bringing your girlfriend here to visit?”
“Well, no…” Celia attempted to say before Bernie stepped in.
“A formal introduction is due. I know that some of you already know her, but this is Celia Jones, Chimera’s newest member. She will be here in the offices every day handling our books and some of the accounting. She is helping take some of the load off of me, which I appreciate very much. She will be a good fit for us. I am confident,” he said. Ben looked at her and then back at Bernie before turning to John in an annoyed way.
“Can we go somewhere and speak?” Ben asked Bernie.
“Sure, Benjamin,” Bernie answered. “Men, while I am speaking with Benjamin, you two can show her around the place. Security won’t start until next week, so I will be generous and pay her in advance for the week until they arrive. She can come in and get things in order before she starts.”
When Ben and Bernie went into the other office and closed the door, Ben began to pace and rub his hair back. “Bernie, is