Lust Unleashed (Night Seekers, Book One)

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Book: Lust Unleashed (Night Seekers, Book One) by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
Tags: Erótica
a time for restraint, for control.
    His hands stroked her back for a long time, fingers dancing along her spine then down to trace the fullness of her buttocks. The fire warmed the room, weaving a cloak of heat around them and he tried to infuse that heat into her. When she moaned into his mouth and moved against him his heart finally unclenched, tension easing from his body.
    He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down one soft cheek and across the line of her jaw. When his mouth reach the sensitive spot where her slender neck joined her body he bit down gently and felt her shiver in his arms. He licked the spot where his teeth had touched the skin and trailed his tongue to the hollow of her throat, where her pulse now beat strongly.
    “Better?” He breathed the word against her skin.
    “Mmm,” she sighed and thrust her cunt against him.
    Later, when she was back to herself, he’d ask her what happened back at Washington’s place. But not now. Not when he was so hungry for her he had to deliberately slow himself down.
    He lowered his head to her breasts and took one rigid nipple into his mouth. Rolling the hard point around, he pressed it to the roof of his mouth with his tongue. Dakota moaned again and arched into him. Her hands, which had rested lightly on his shoulder, tightened as he worked her nipple, clutching at him as if for support.
    He took his time with her, licking and nipping, moving his mouth over her as if he was tasting an epicurean treat. Her skin had warmed and now was like liquid velvet, supple and welcoming. Her little sounds of pleasure made his balls tighten and his cock flex against the softness of her. He’d started this to drive the chill out of her body and shock her back into awareness. Now he wanted to infuse her with his heat and drive himself inside her, losing herself in her silky wetness.
    He shifted position to give himself better access to her, his hands holding her as he slid lower on her body until his mouth hovered over the muskiness of her cunt. Urging her to her back, he nudged her thighs apart and placed an open-mouthed kiss on the glistening folds of her pussy. A low sound of pleasure rolled from her throat at his touch, repeating when he ran the tip of his tongue over her sensitive clit.
    His fingers pressed into the flesh of her ass as he lifted her closer to him, the better to devour her. His tongue tasted every inch of her cunt, plunging into her hot depths, lapping at the lips, nipping at the tip of her clit. When her nails dug into his skin and her hips bucked against him he gave up trying to hold back. Grabbing the condom he’d dropped onto the table beside the bed, he sheathed himself and drove into her, tilting her hips so he achieved maximum penetration.
    Oh, god!
    Just like before it was like sticking his dick into bottled lightning. Shock waves rolled through him and if possible his cock swelled even more inside her. She raised her eyes to his and he swore he could look into them and see clear to her soul. How was it possible to make this kind of connection with someone so quickly? She wasn’t a shifter. He’d have known by her scent. So how could this happen?
    Then he stopped thinking and let his body take over.
    Dakota wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into the small of his back, her head thrown back as he thrust into her again and again. The familiar tingle raced up his spine and into his balls. His control was getting away from him. Reaching between them he found Dakota’s swollen clit and rubbed it with his thumb, watching her face, gauging her response. When he felt the first tremors in the walls of her cunt he exploded, taking her over the edge with him.
    She spasmed around him, bathing him in her velvety liquid heat, her inner muscles grasping and squeezing his cock as he spurted again and again. When he collapsed forward, catching his weight on his forearms, Dakota’s body was fiery hot and his own was dripping with sweat. From start to

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